10 proven ways to gain self-confidence

Self- confidence in a quality and ability that allows you to be successful and assertive in any activity you undertake throughout your life.

There are some people who act with a natural, genuine confidence and many times we think they were born with it. Generally, these types of people face difficult or complicated situations in a calm, relaxed and positive attitude, which allows them to get ahead without fear of failure .

However, there are also people who are a bit insecure and have little confidence in themselves, which allows us to cope with difficult, new or stressful situations in an appropriate way.

But how can you do to improve your self-confidence ?

¿Cómo cultivar tu autoconfianza?

Is it possible to improve my self-confidence?

Fortunately, we can achieve self-confidence , as it is a quality that you can develop and cultivate.

According to Mareo McCracken, revenue leader at Movemedical , to help you increase your self-confidence you must want to be the best to really be. Self-confidence is achieved with actions and practice, such as the following 10:

10 ways to gain self-confidence

1. Show gratitude

Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues that human beings have, and regularly thanking other people for their acts of kindness, friendship makes them feel grateful to you as well.

¿Cómo cultivar tu autoconfianza?

2. Act kindly

Most people like to be treated honestly, openly, and kindly. Kindness is difficult, because you have to stop thinking about yourself, but to the extent that you are kind to others, they will also be kind to you.

This type of gesture helps to increase your self-confidence, but the most important thing is that this kindness really is spontaneous, natural and without any type of interest or intention to achieve something.

¿Cómo ganar confianza en ti mismo?

3. Define your values

Get a pencil and paper, write down your values, and then define what they mean to you. Remember that they govern your behavior in some way, in addition to directing your aspirations and personal goals.

Aumenta tu autoconfianza

4. Find your true motivations

Once you know and define what your values are, those values will help you understand what motivates you. This will require reverse memory engineering. To apply it, do the following:

  1. Think of four or five of your favorite memories.
  2. Write down why those experiences strongly impacted you.
  3. Write down what caused each of those situations, who was involved, how you felt, and how those experiences have affected you since.
  4. Make a mind map to find the connections and answer this question: What similarities did all these experiences have?

Those similarities were driven by a true deep desire. That wish is your motivation. So find the underlying similarities in all the situations you live in.

¿Cómo generar autoconfianza?

5. Take special care to have a better appearance

Not everyone wants to look good. However, we all improve when they see us better. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with how you see yourself in the mirror, try to improve your image, as it can also help you improve your self-esteem.

Conoce cómo mejorar tu autoconfianza

6. Make yourself a little mental Photoshop

Remember that we are what we hope and desire . And if you are not satisfied with it, you must change your personal expectations to change your life.

Imagine the way you want to be seen and work on it – your subconscious will take over and make you the person you dream of.

Cómo construir autoconfianza

7. Smile more

People always react to smiles, we can’t help it. Therefore, if you smile more, you will be happier. In addition, you will also receive smiles from others.

Happiness leads to confidence , and if you are not happy, you can watch a comedy on Netflix – it will surely make you smile a lot.

Mejora tu autoconfianza

8. Visualize success

If you can’t imagine it, no one will do it for you. Define what you want to do and what you want to be. Imagine it, feel it, save those images in your head and hold on to those feelings.

¿Cómo aumentar mi autoconfianza?

9. Eliminate negative thoughts

It goes hand in hand with your visualization. Your thoughts become your reality , and you have to learn to be aware of how you talk to yourself.

When you are doing a job that you are not particularly good at, do not beat yourself up with your inner voice telling yourself that it is too much for you and that it would be better to do something else.

Stop listening to that negative internal voice and replace it with another that motivates you and tells you that you can handle that and much more. That voice also has to tell you that if you didn’t reach your goal today, tomorrow you will. The most important thing is that you never give up.

Maneras de ganar autoconfianza

10. Serve others

When you think of others and what they need, it is impossible to feel sad.

Serving other people erases millions of personal problems, since helping others allows you to feel useful and helps you forget a little about how bad your life can be. Likewise, achieving something worthwhile helps boost your confidence .

Formas de ganar autoconfianza


  • Haden, J. 18 Proven Ways to Be More Confident. For Inc [Revised March 2017]