10 no-jump cardio exercises to train at home

With a little creativity and room to move, you can create a worthwhile cardio workout at home. You don't need any fancy material or flashy equipment to have a good sweat session at home. With these simple bodyweight exercises, you can increase your heart rate and burn calories without setting foot in a gym.

The best cardio exercises without jumps or equipment

Your cardio training should be fast and challenging. When you take breaks, you give your heart and lungs time to catch up, decreasing the intensity of your workout. The goal is to prepare a workout that is easy to follow so you don't have to stop often.

mujer haciendo ejercicios de cardio sin saltos en casa

Fortunately, bodyweight exercises are generally safe for beginners and easy to learn. Don't forget to start your cardio session with a warm-up. Getting into an intense training routine with cold muscles is a recipe for disaster as it increases your risk of injury. And be sure to wear proper shoes.

Before designing your exercise routine, choose an area in your home with enough room to move. You should be able to lie down and move from side to side. You can place a yoga mat and leave a couple of meters on the sides. Then incorporate one or all of these bodyweight cardio exercises into your home workout routine.


Climbers start on a high board with their hands under their shoulders. Keep your body in a straight line, avoiding walking or sinking your hips. Kick one knee toward your chest and then switch legs quickly, bringing one leg back and the other up. For an extra challenge, bring your knees through your body to opposite elbows.

Ladder sprints

If you have access to a ladder at home (or near a park), take the stairs, one at a time, as fast as you can. Then walk again to avoid stumbling. Repeat for 10 minutes or until you are too tired to continue.


Stand with your feet shoulder or hip-width apart and your arms extended in front of you. Roll your hips back and squat down until your legs are at a 90 degree angle. If you see your knees slip past your toes, push your glutes back more as if you were sitting in an imaginary chair.


Start on a board with your hands under your shoulders and your feet on the ground. Modify by lowering your knees or doing this on an incline. Lower your chest, maintaining a straight line from shoulders to feet or knees, until your nose is close to the ground (or as far as mobility and strength allow). Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle to your torso.


Get into a push-up position with your forearms on the floor instead of your hands. Get up with only your feet and forearms touching the ground. Don't let your hips sag, keep a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.


Stand with your hands on your hips or behind your head. Take a big step forward and plant your front foot. Next, bend both knees until they are at 90-degree angles. Keep most of your weight on the front leg and don't let the knee go through the front toes. Push your front foot back to stand up and repeat with the other leg.

Glute bridge

Lie on the floor with your knees up, your feet flat on the floor, and your arms at your sides. Lift your hips off the ground until your hips, knees, and shoulders form a line. Keeping your glutes tight, hold for a few seconds and lower your back.

Bird dog

The bird-dog begins in quadruped, with the knees under the hips and the hands under the shoulders. Raise your right arm in front of you, straightening up and simultaneously lifting your left leg behind you. Hold for a few seconds and return to all fours. Then alternate arms and legs and repeat the movement.

Clam shell

Lie on your side with your lower arm straight, using your biceps for support under your head. Bend your knees at a 45-degree angle with your knees and hips stacked. Keeping your feet together, spread your knees and squeeze your glutes. Keep your knees open for a few seconds and close. Repeat for 10 reps and switch sides.

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