10 negative things that happen to your body when you stop having sex

It is normal that in our sexual life we experience highs and lows, as is common in most aspects of life. Many times it is voluntary, like wanting to focus on other projects or aspects of life, and other times it is involuntary for a variety of reasons. such as the end of a relationship or stress problems in the current relationship.

The truth is that, at times of low sexual activity , our body will experience certain changes that can affect us in a negative way and it is good to be aware of them. With this information we can know if we can tolerate these changes or if we should do something about it, in terms of our sexual activity.

Consecuencias de dejar de tener sexo

10 negative things we experience when we stop having sex

1. Less endorphins

Orgasms and arousal in general, normally cause the release of chemicals in our body that make us feel good (endorphins). These chemicals are associated with an increase in good mood, and even help relieve pain.

When we stop having sex for long periods of time , we will probably notice the absence of those endorphin releases. In the same way, it happens when we stop exercising when we have already become accustomed to that feeling of well-being that physical effort generates.

Menos endorfinas por dejar de tener sexo

2. More stress

You may have noticed at some point a noticeable state of relaxation after a sex session . This feeling is, in fact, one of the main reasons why people seek to have relationships. However, that feeling can be lost if we completely snatch the sexual experience from our lives.

Although there are other ways to manage stress outside of sex, you will find that it is common that your level of sexual activity is inversely linked to your stress levels. However, it has also been proven that under a good dose of stress, the very act of having sex loses attractiveness.

Estrés por falta de sexo

3. Less satisfaction in the relationship

This case applies to those who maintain low sexual activity even when in a monogamous relationship. When this situation occurs, an evident deterioration in the connection felt by the couple can be noticed, which directly leads to feeling less satisfied in the relationship.

This is believed to be due to the release of a chemical in the body called oxytocin during orgasm, which helps create a feeling of trust and appreciation and helps you see your partner in a more positive light.

Menos satisfacción en la relación por falta de sexo

4. Low self-esteem

Going to a state of zero sexual activity can affect not only our relationship with others, but even our relationship with ourselves. Lack of sex affects us psychologically and we make harmful judgments against ourselves, leading to cases of low self-esteem. This will inevitably affect the rest of our relationships.

Baja autoestima por dejar de tener sexo

5. Erectile dysfunction

In a study published in The American Journal of Medicine in 2008, it was reported that men who had sex at least once a week were half as likely to experience erectile dysfunction as men who had sex less frequently.

It is obvious that this is not the only reason that can cause erectile dysfunction, but without a doubt it plays a role and has its effect. Also, once erectile dysfunction occurs there may be even less sex, as men in that situation tend to avoid sex altogether.

Disfunción eréctil por falta de sexo

6. A less healthy vagina

Regular vaginal sexual activity, whether with a partner or alone, promotes vaginal health. This becomes particularly important for women of middle age or older because dryness and reduced elasticity are common results of hormonal changes.

Sexual games stimulate blood flow to the genitals, helping the vaginal muscles to stay stimulated and healthy, in addition to maintaining their current state of elasticity. In the same way as the previous point, this aspect helps to keep sex as a very attractive option.

Vagina menos saludable por falta de sexo

7. Less lubrication

In the moments when you are sexually active, you probably notice that moisture and lubrication play an important role in arousal. If a woman does not feel aroused regularly, or not even a little, she will experience vaginal dryness . This is because arousal stimulates the glands that produce arousal in the vagina.

Although there may be other reasons why you can feel dry in the female genitalia, such as hormonal imbalances, it is true that the lack of activity and sexual stimulation, play an important role.

To remedy this, even masturbation can be helpful.

Menor lubricación por falta de sexo

8. Low moods

Sometimes it is difficult to know which comes first, if sexual activity is low, or moods are low, but the truth is that an intimate relationship between the two has been observed.

If you feel discouraged or even depressed, chances are that you are less interested in sex . However, it is important to note that due to the advantages of having sex regularly, it is very likely that when we stop having it, we will suddenly have low moods.

Bajo estado de ánimo por falta de sexo

9. Fewer benefits for heart health

Here we find another possible contradiction. While sex helps minimize stress and helps us with our heart health, stress and a weak heart state can interfere with arousal and therefore reduce sexual activity .

Although it is true that having sex regularly does not prevent us from suffering cardiovascular diseases, the benefits it offers us in this area are undeniable.

Peor salud cardíaca por dejar de tener sexo

10. Less immune capacity

In the previous points we have collected a series of aspects that affect the chemical levels of the body, which directly affects the immune system.

A body without stress and relaxed and with chemical levels in order, has a much better chance of avoiding threats that could penetrate a weak immune system.

menos capacidad inmunológica por dejar de tener sexo


As we can see, having sex periodically provides several positive aspects to our physical and mental health. Therefore, completely eliminating sex usually results in the absence of those positive aspects.

To avoid problems and have these great advantages, the best thing will always be to maintain that sexual activity within normal parameters, although these benefits can also be achieved through other methods.


  • McLaughlin, A. 12 Bad Things That Happen to Your Health When You Stop Having Sex. For Livestrong [Revised February 19, 2018]