Salt and Sodium are Not the Same: Which One Should You Worry About?

You have probably heard of people limiting their salt intake, or perhaps athletes trying to increase the amount of sodium they consume. But contrary to popular belief, sodium is not synonymous with salt.

Salt is a mineral made up of sodium and chloride. It is the sodium in salt that can be worse for our health. So, while “salt” can refer to a large number of different chemicals, “sodium” refers to only part of that salt.

How much sodium should we consume in a day?

The Dietary Guidelines recommend consuming no more than 2,300 milligrams a day (therefore, almost as much as what is in a teaspoon of salt). However, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that most adults limit their intake to even less, consuming no more than 1,500 milligrams daily.

Salt and Sodium are Not the Same

This reduced recommendation is especially important for people who are at increased risk for conditions exacerbated by excess. This includes people age 51 and older, people with high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease, and African Americans, according to Iowa State University.

It turns out that most of us take much more sodium than recommended by health experts. On average, we get around 3,400 mg each day. And those who abstain from the use of the salt shaker are not exempt. About 71 percent of sodium in the diet comes from packaged foods and restaurant meals , a May 2017 study published in the journal Circulation found.

Why should you worry about consuming too much?

Diets with excess sodium are linked to a number of health risks. Drinking too much can contribute to dehydration, hypertension [a risk factor associated with heart disease], stroke, kidney disease, and osteoporosis .

Those who took more sodium were found to have dramatically higher blood pressure levels than people who consumed less, according to an August 2014 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Furthermore, getting too much salt can also have a negative effect on the immune system.

A March 2020 study, published in Science Translational Medicine, suggests that consuming more than five grams of salt per day poses a risk to immunity. The study was conducted primarily in mice, which, when fed a high-salt diet, suffered from more severe bacterial infections, but several human volunteers who took an additional six grams of salt (or 2,400 milligrams of sodium) daily also showed an amount significant immune deficiencies

How much do we need

Sodium is not inherently bad; in fact, our bodies need it, in small amounts, to carry out daily functions.

It has vital metabolic functions , but we really only need at least 500 milligrams a day for this to happen. This substance helps the body transmit nerve impulses, maintain a proper fluid balance in the body, and control muscle contraction and relaxation.

Being too strict about restricting your intake can also present some health risks. Several studies, including a July 2011 paper published in Metabolism, found that low sodium diets were associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance in healthy people.

In addition, low sodium diets were associated with increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels in a November 2011 study, published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

cuchara de sal con sodio

How does the body get rid of excess?

Your body knows what to do with excess, but only up to a point. Drinking water is always a good idea, but drinking more will not necessarily eliminate additional amounts.

Drinking water can help dilute sodium and eliminate it, yes, but it will never eliminate all the salt from your body (which is a dangerous condition called hyponatremia). In a normal, healthy body, the kidneys respond to the extra amount and expel it through the urine.

Eating foods rich in potassium has been shown to help the body control a sodium overload. Foods that are a source of potassium include dried fruits, lentils, yogurt, salmon, chicken (white meat), spinach, soybeans, broccoli, tomatoes, bananas, and potatoes.

However, it is important to consult your doctor before increasing your potassium intake, especially if it involves kidney complications.

Foods with little or no sodium

One way to reduce sodium is to eat more low sodium foods. These include:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Unprocessed proteins

Most fruits and vegetables have some sodium, but they also have potassium that helps balance it out.

You’ll also find traces of sodium in unsalted legumes, avocado, olive oil, unsalted nuts and seeds, eggs and meat protein, but there is no need to completely eliminate this substance from your diet.

Cooking at home can help reduce your salt intake, but you should be careful with your seasonings. If you’re used to using flavor enhancers like garlic salt, onion salt, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, barbecue sauce, olives, pickles, and croutons, you can start experimenting with some less salty options. Consider oranges, lemons, vinegars, and herbs as your new friends that add flavor.