Can Exercise Can Help Control Type 2 Diabetes?

When it comes to managing type 2 diabetes , exercise is one of the most powerful treatments out there. Getting around <more helps with blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity, and weight maintenance – all the important things to keep diabetes under control.

But there are certain precautions that everyone with diabetes, whether they’re in good shape or new to exercise, should take. We summarize what you must do to sweat safely and get the best results.

Can Exercise Can Help Control Type 2 Diabetes

Do aerobic activity almost every day

When you do aerobic exercise, whether it’s a more moderate activity like walking or more vigorous, like running or a cycling class, your muscles use glucose, the sugar in your bloodstream, to fuel your training. This lowers blood glucose levels and can last for hours after finishing cardiovascular activity. It also helps the body to use insulin better.

You also don’t have to run a marathon to see results. A study, published in the July 2016 issue of Diabetologia, found that when people with prediabetes (a precursor to type 2) performed moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking for 11.5 miles each week, they improved glucose tolerance by 7 percent. hundred.

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How to do it?

Experts recommend that all adults with type 2 diabetes do at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activities, such as walking, running, swimming, or biking each week.

It should be extended for at least three days a week, with no more than 48 hours without activity, since the effects of exercise on insulin sensitivity only last one or two days.

If you have not been active and have complications related to diabetes, such as high blood pressure, neuropathy, or retinopathy, talk to your doctor before beginning any type of training program. Are you a total beginner? Consider working with an exercise physiologist to create a program that’s right for you (your insurance may cover it). It’s okay to start slowly, with only five to 10 minutes of moderate activity until you can slowly build up to 30 minutes most days of the week.

If you’re no stranger to the gym, improve your workout by doing some interval training . This means high intensity exertion intervals alternated with recovery periods.
When the researchers had people with type 2 diabetes do four to six 30-second cycling races followed by four-minute recoveries, they had better glucose metabolism in their muscles than those who simply cycled at moderate intensity. for 40 to 60 minutes, according to a study published in March 2017 in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.

Add strength training to your routine

Even if you do cardio most days of the week, there is another crucial component that your exercise routine should include: resistance training. This is true for everyone, but especially for those with diabetes, as they are at risk for less muscle strength.

A March 2016 study, published in Diabetes Care, for example, found that people with type 2 diabetes had an increased amount of fat in their leg muscles , causing muscle weakness.

Resistance training builds muscle mass, which in turn improves insulin sensitivity.

There are two places where the body stores carbohydrates: the muscles and the liver. If you don’t have a lot of muscle mass, those carbohydrates end up spilling into the bloodstream, raising blood glucose levels, or being stored by your body as fat.
Most of the time, fat ends up in the central abdomen, making you even more insulin resistant. But if you have muscle mass, these carbohydrates can enter your muscles and then get used to through aerobic exercises or resistance training.

Strength training benefits

  • Weight loss: When you build muscle mass, your metabolism increases, which can help you control weight.
  • Better balance : Building strength also improves balance, which can be weaker in people with diabetes, particularly those with related conditions, such as neuropathy or numbness in the legs or feet. In fact, older adults with type 2 diabetes who did resistance training for six weeks were significantly less likely to fall than those who did not, according to an April 2010 study published in Diabetes Care by Colberg-Ochs.
  • Stronger bones: This is important because people with type 2 diabetes are at increased risk for fractures.
  • Increased mood : resistance training is associated with a significant reduction in depressive symptoms, according to a review of 33 studies published in June 2018 in JAMA Psychiatry. This is important for people with diabetes, who are more likely to experience depression.

How to do it?

Experts recommend targeting two to three strength training sessions a week.

If you’re a novice, consider working with an exercise physiologist or trainer to come up with a plan that’s right for you. It’s a good idea, at least at first, to make sure you don’t start too aggressive and that you’re doing the exercises correctly.

When you’re starting, it’s best to use your own body weight for resistance, with movements like planks, strides, and modified push-ups. But if you can do eight to 12 repetitions without the muscle feeling fatigued, it’s time to get it up a bit. You should do each exercise to the point where it is difficult to do the last repetition without help.

You can do this by using resistance bands, hand weights, weight machines in the gym, or even simple household items like full water bottles or soup cans.
The heavier the weight, the more glycogen you use , which improves the action of your body’s insulin. It is also better at building muscle fibers, which in turn helps improve insulin sensitivity.

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Don’t forget a dose of mindfulness

Mindfulness-based exercises like yoga and tai chi have been shown to help people with type 2 diabetes.

A September 2018 review, published in Endocrinology and Metabolism, concluded that yoga can be an effective tool when it comes to blood glucose control, and it can also help treat other related conditions, such as high blood pressure.

Another meta-analysis, published in the July 2018 issue of the Journal of Diabetes Research, analyzed 14 studies and found that regular tai chi produced very similar effects.

There are a couple of reasons why these types of workouts can be helpful: In addition to promoting physical activity, they also help reduce stress , which has been shown to worsen type 2 diabetes. They also emphasize flexibility, strength, and Balance at the same time, all three are recommended types of training for anyone with diabetes.

How to do physical exercise safely?

Before your training

You should have a small snack about an hour before your workout. Then check your blood sugar level about 15 minutes before exercising; ideally, it should be between 110 and 150 mg / dL.

During the training

Check your blood sugar level every 30 minutes. Follow rule 15-15 : If your reading is less than 100 mg / dL, take 15 to 20 grams of carbohydrates to raise your blood sugar (the equivalent of four glucose tablets, 110 ml of juice, or a tablespoon of honey).

Check your blood sugar level after 15 minutes. If it is still low, you will need to have another 15 grams of carbohydrates. You repeat this every 15 minutes until the blood sugar level is at least 100 mg / dL.

After training

If you are doing resistance training, be aware that your blood sugar may rise right after training. This is because strength training can increase stress hormones, such as adrenaline, for a short period of time, which tends to raise blood glucose levels. If yours is elevated, wait about 30 minutes, then check again before administering insulin or other medications.