The 6 natural fat burning foods that do work

There are those who dream of losing excess fat from some areas of their body, and turn to fat burning supplements at a golden price. You really don't need to work to be able to afford those pills or powders that your favorite influencers recommend so much. We teach you the best natural and healthy fat burners, which will not endanger your health and that you will find at an affordable price.

6 burns natural fats


The active compound in cinnamon, which also gives it its flavor, is called cinnamaldehyde. In a Japanese study published in the "Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology" in 2012, two groups of mice were fed a diet rich in sucrose and fat. One group was given cinnamaldehyde daily and the other was not. After a month, the scientists found that the mice taking cinnamaldehyde had lost visceral fat, while the control group did not. The researchers concluded that cinnamaldehyde stimulated the metabolism of visceral fat tissue, suggesting that cinnamon might be helpful in reducing belly fat.

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Although the impact of cinnamon on visceral fat in humans has not been confirmed, this spice appears promising as a possible treatment for type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol , according to a study discussed on the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center website. However, medical scientists agree that more studies are needed.

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Ginger is a vasodilator, which means that it increases the diameter of small arteries and improves blood circulation. Increased blood flow and circulation generally lead to a small increase in body temperature, called a thermogenic effect , which promotes metabolism and burns more calories.
This food also promotes the production of bile and can stimulate the production of gastric juices, which improve digestion and make more energy available to burn. It may also have anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering effects , although studies have been inconclusive. The most popular uses for ginger are for an upset stomach, slow digestion, dyspepsia, and constipation, although it is an ingredient in some weight-loss supplements.

Claims that ginger can increase metabolism rates by 20 percent are based on animal studies where concentrated ginger extract was applied to external tissues. Consumed internally, even in high doses, ginger and many other herbs that are promoted for their ability to burn fat do not increase metabolism beyond 2% to 5%, which is comparable to ephedrine and caffeine.

Of course, any increase in metabolism can help you lose weight, including fat, but aerobic exercise and healthy diet options are still the best ways to burn fat.

Green Tea

Green tea has many compounds, including caffeine and polyphenols, that affect the body in various ways. These different chemical compounds can stimulate your metabolism, helping to speed up the rate at which your body burns calories and aiding in weight loss. An article published in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" in 1999 found that an extract made from green tea increases metabolism by up to 4 percent. This suggests that green tea can help increase abdominal fat loss, but it will be more effective if you use green tea as part of a general change in diet and exercise.

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Caffeine is well known as an effective and thermogenic workout enhancer. This popular alkaloid is misunderstood due to anecdotal suggestions that it is unhealthy. The negative side effects of caffeine come from overuse of the stimulant.
Caffeine acts on our nervous system to increase alertness, adrenal function, thermogenesis, and fat burning. Natural sources include guarana, cocoa, kola nut, coffee, and tea. Cycle caffeine every 8 weeks to avoid depressed adrenal function.

Chilli Peppers

The scientific name for red bell peppers, capsicum, refers to the molecule found in most chili peppers called capsaicin. Capsaicin is a colorless, tasteless and odorless natural substance that produces a burning sensation on mucous membranes and gives spicy foods their flavor. High concentrations of capsaicin will produce burning effects on the skin, which is why topical pain relievers generally contain the compound. Also, muscle massages and sports creams that seem to warm the skin to relieve pain often contain capsaicin.

Capsaicin can increase your metabolism through thermogenesis or heat production. They also stimulate your body to burn calories as heat and improve fat oxidation. According to a study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", eating 6 mg of capsaicins per day improved abdominal fat loss in men and women. It can even suppress your appetite. According to the "New York Times," eating hot sauce containing snacks before meals reduced calorie intake by 200 calories.

Apple vinager

Organic apple cider vinegar is packed with potassium. This results in a balance between sodium and potassium in the body, which helps to curb the appetite. Also, it can decrease water retention, reduce bloating, and flatten the stomach.
It also contains acetic acid , which is a nutrient that increases metabolism. In addition, it reduces the rate at which the stomach empties into the intestines, moderating appetite. These two properties of acetic acid work together to reduce belly fat effectively.