Jefferson Curl: What is it and How is it Done?

The spinal column is a segmented structure (33 bones to be exact, stretching from the spinal column to the coccyx), separated by discs, fibrous tissues, fluid, and thousands of nerve cells. The spine plays a critical role in all human movement, supported by connective and muscle tissues to stabilize damaging shear and rotational forces that could cause injury to the disc and nerve cells.

For most weightlifters, powerlifters, and functional fitness athletes, it is essential to minimize spinal flexion, overstretch, and rotation (shear forces), especially under loads.

Jefferson Curl

The Curl Jefferson has been seen in the training of weightlifters, weightlifters, and competitive gymnasts (as well as general fitness and training), however, many coaches and doctors have contrasting perspectives (and research) that they do cases in favor and against the implementation of this movement of lengthening and potential strengthening.

In this article, we will try to shed some light on the case for and against the use of the Jefferson Curl and whether an athlete should do so.

Is Jefferson Curl dangerous?

It is a movement of strengthening and lengthening of the posterior chain, more specifically the spine and supporting tissues and muscles, as well as the hamstrings. Unlike good morning (good morning), the dead weights Romanian and other movements of the posterior chain, the Curl Jefferson specifically enhances the segmented spinal flexion through a full range of motion, rather than the movement with a neutral back.

Back health experts argue that most spinal injuries occur in flexed or rotated positions , especially under load. Science suggests that for most people (excluding some elite athletes who may have to bet on the integrity of the spine for a sport-based function), excessive training and lengthening or spinal flexion may not be the best choice for general health and sports performance.

In which sports is this exercise recommended?

Formal gymnastics – Acrobatics

This exercise has been seen in gymnastic and acrobatics training programs, as it is used to lengthen and strengthen the spine, specifically during spinal flexion. Based on the inherent demands of the sport, many coaches and athletes have been training in this movement for years. While conflicting with science findings regarding spinal health and integrity, the inherent demand for the sport may justify the Jefferson Curl, with the understanding that coaches and athletes may be compromising spinal health and tissue integrity, which can have long-term consequences.

However, for gym athletes, hamstrings and spinal flexibility are required for elite levels, making this exercise potentially effective in increasing flexibility and ultimate range of motion.

Sports of strength and power

Although seen in some weight lifting and weight lifting programs, this movement can present some potential risks and some benefits. Many experts say that this exercise can present more risks than benefits . Athletes are more prone to injury in the flexed and rotated positions, making a loaded movement that reinforces long-term potentially damaging long-range lengthening and increased end-range spinal flexion. Furthermore, although many athletes “feel” good after the initial stretch and the acute response to the stretch reflex on movement, damage to the connective tissues of the spine can cause potentially damaging spinal health in the future.

In contrast, many sports, such as contact sports, cause athletes to move and lift with a flexed spine, making the application of this exercise specifically sport-specific. Many coaches and athletes feel that adequate mobility and strength should be exemplified IN ALL of the more complete ranges of motion (dictated by the specific needs of an athlete, for example, a gymnast vs. a strong man).

Individual needs and considerations can make this a viable exercise in flexibility and lengthening.

Functional fitness

Similar to strength and power athletes, we can also question the overall benefit of strengthening spinal flexion with most people. Generally speaking, many people are subjected to excessive spinal flexion throughout their daily lives (sitting in front of a computer, mobile phones, driving cars, poor posture, etc.), which makes Curl Jefferson an exercise. redundant and potentially determining. In contrast, coaches and athletes should focus on the hips and thoracic mobility, correcting spinal dysfunctions rather than reinforcing them.

How is the Jefferson Curl done?

In the event that coaches and athletes seek to implement this exercise within a formal training program, proper technique, minimum load, and control are paramount to minimize the risk of injury. Below we show you an instructional video on how to correctly perform a Jefferson Curl. It is important to note that the following guidelines if you decide that this exercise is justifiable for your ultimate goals.

  • It starts with body weight and increases in very small increments, if you do. The goal of this exercise is not maximum strength, but controlled range of motion and finite position strength, tissue adaptation, and controlled mobility. Be careful when proceeding with a loaded movement in spinal flexion.
  • Stop if there is pain . If there is pain or discomfort in any aspect of this movement (either heavy or body weight), stop. This could be a warning sign that could lead to serious or persistent injury.
  • Investigate for yourself . As with most exercises, there are always inherent risks. None of us are a spine specialist, so these views and perspectives have been formulated based on my knowledge, education and research. Any athlete should make the decision to the best of their ability, rather than trusting 100% in the opinions of others.