Do you want to make sushi? Use these fish

The wide variety of fish we have today is almost endless, but when it comes to making sushi, the list narrows to just a few. We are going to say which are the best fish for sushi and give reasons why to choose those and not others. It does not serve any type of fish, nor can it be served in any way, since raw or undercooked fish is exposed to a multitude of bacteria and diseases that can put our health in check.

Choosing the type of fish for sushi is crucial for the result to be as perfect as possible. It is true that there are many “modern” sushi recipes that mix different cultures such as the Malaga skewer with Japanese sushi, but we are going to tell you which are the best fish for traditional sushi, the one of a lifetime.

Once we have this information already read, we can do what we want, such as if we want to put eels or ale, instead of salmon or tuna. In fact, on the Internet there are many recipes to make vegan sushi and we have tried it in a well-known restaurant near Plaza Callao in Madrid.

It is no longer just choosing the perfect fish for the type of sushi that we are going to make, but knowing how to cook it properly. We recommend buying the fish in a trustworthy place, such as the Mercadona Fish Store, the fish market in our neighborhood or some frozen food store, but to be honest, the fresher the better the result.


Sushi with tuna, a classic. In this case, the best options are bluefin tuna or white tuna, also known as yellow tuna. They are very typical in these Japanese dishes and it is the most appreciated fish in the culinary culture of the Japanese country. It is an expensive fish, the higher its quality and freshness, the more the price rises. This is where cut types come in:

  • Akami: Bluefin tuna should have an intense and bright reddish hue, without spots and without blood clots. It is the leanest cut, with a mild flavor and the cheapest price because it is the most widespread.
  • Chu-Toro: They are cuts of bluefin tuna with a moderate level of fat, it has a soft and light texture and is of better quality than the previous type.
  • O-Toro: The most exclusive cut and the one used in true high-quality Japanese restaurants. It is a very fatty tuna like belly, its price is high, but its quality is exceptional. Its texture in the mouth is reminiscent of butter and when in contact it melts in the mouth leaving a delicious taste.


Salmon is a blue fish like tuna, mackerel, sardines and others. The important thing about salmon is that different textures and flavors can be achieved. It is one of the most popular homemade sushi fish on the market. It usually has a more or less acceptable price, although that depends on what part of the salmon we use.

If we opt for the tenderloin, it will have an acceptable flavor, without anything attractive or attractive. However, if we choose the belly we will obtain a salmon of much higher quality, more palatable, fatter , juicier and exclusive , leaving us with a result of 10 that mixes flavors and melts in the mouth.

Sushi with salmon is one of the most typical on the market, in fact, there is a vegan version, but obviously it does not enter this compilation of the best fish for sushi.

Una bandeja con diferentes tipos de pescados para sushi


We may have never heard of this type of fish and we may have never tried it, but it is a fish that is perfect in both sushi and sashimi. In addition, thanks to its intended flavor and its fatty texture , they will achieve a spectacular result when we put it in our mouth. The mixture of flavors will make us want one more piece, and another and another …

Horse mackerel is also known as chicharro and is part of the group of blue fish so typical in Spain, it is also on the list of the most consumed fish, along with anchovies and sardines. It owes its fame to its high healthy fat content, flavor, and nutritional value.

The horse mackerel season runs from spring (April) to autumn (October). We recommend going through a food market or fishmonger and trying horse mackerel, steamed, baked with potatoes, grilled, garlic, fried, etc.

Other fish for sushi

There are several fish for sushi, although the most recommended are the ones we have described above. The rest are equally valid options, but halfway between respecting the Japanese tradition and using the fish we want.

If we have been to a quality authentic Japanese restaurant, it is likely that we have tried sushi even with seafood and caviar. This is because almost any type of fish and seafood is worth it if it is of quality and combines well with the rest of the ingredients.

Although well, that of “anyone is worth”, it is necessary to say it with care. Apart from the fish for sushi that we have already mentioned before, there are others that are also equally suitable for this typical Japanese food. For example, we have the bream , its flavor in sushi is exquisite and requires a very fine cut.

Sea bass is another option, very similar to sea bream and also requires very fine cuts. By using sea bass, we are getting a very sophisticated bite, but we already say that it is not easy to achieve good sushi with sea bass.

Before we have commented that there were recipes for skewers and sushi, but that is an extreme, although the reality is that sardines are usually used. This fish has many drawbacks, it has to be eaten very quickly, that is, make sushi and eat it. If we wait too long it goes stale and falls apart. Another drawback is its difficult handling, its smell and that there will not be a precisely exquisite result.

The scallop is the only quality seafood that is usually used in sushi, although it is quite likely that we have even tried it with prawns from Huelva. To make this dish it is necessary that the animal is alive, so that the dish reaches our mouth as fresh as possible.