Negative aspects of a sedentary life

Once the numerous improvements that the practice of physical exercise will mean in our body, we should also know the negative effects that physical inactivity and leading a sedentary life have on our health:

  • Increase in body weight due to the decompensation between intake and caloric expenditure
  • Decreased joint mobility and elasticity
  • Slowdown in blood circulation and the appearance of varicose veins
  • Tendency to diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Muscle hypotrophy, that is, the decrease in muscle mass as a result of lack of use
  • Low back pain and support system injuries
  • Feeling of tiredness, discouragement and malaise.

We must know that a sedentary lifestyle is presented worldwide as one of the factors to take into account in the risk of suffering myocardial infarctions. It is also important that we promote sports practice to combat diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

Relationship between physical exercise and obesity

Body weight is a function of the relationship between caloric intake and expenditure. Overweight and obesity are caused by the progressive reduction of energy expenditure and a high caloric intake in the diet. Therefore we can affirm that the decrease in physical activity would be the most important cause of the increase in obesity in the world population. So staying fit with an active lifestyle can prevent obesity and weight gain. Of special importance is the increase in childhood obesity , which translates into the incidence of obesity-related diseases.

Relationship between physical exercise and diabetes

There are two types of diabetes:

  1. Type I, caused by a lack of insulin
  2. Type II, in which insulin is produced that is not effective, and is related to obesity.

The practice of physical exercise can have a beneficial effect on type II diabetes, since it increases muscle mass and decreases fat tissue, improving glucose tolerance.