Why is it important to know your body composition?

Much is said that the human body represents a temple, which must be fully cared for, but even more so known, as this will help the entire process of formation, development and growth . How can you know your body composition accurately? For this, do not stop reading this interesting article until the end.

What is body composition?

In more detail, the entire structure is promoted based on a study that determines what are the measures according to size, composition, proportionality, shape, body functions and biological maturation , for what purpose? Not only to know, but also to understand all the processes in relation to physical performance and nutrition, as well as the healthy maintenance of the body.

Conocer la composición corporal

The study must be carried out objectively by the hand of a medical professional who has a scientific basis, to analyze human morphology and the manifestations that arise from knowing your body composition. Results can also be obtained using Tanita professional scales or Tanita bioimpedance scale. Now, beyond the diets, sports practices and treatments for weight control, it is important to focus on the numbers, which will speak without fear of reality.

The Tanita bioimpedance scale is a digital device that facilitates the knowledge of the entire body composition. But for each number to make sense, it is prudent to have a good interpretation of each one, since a bad diagnosis can lead to distorted habits. While the professional Tanita scales, they will also give you more than the number of your weight, all the details that you want to know about your body.

Why know your body composition?

These measurements will help you to know where you are stuck in terms of your composition, and thus keep you alert to your health levels. Body composition is measured mainly by the Body Mass Index , which is known by its acronym as BMI, and takes into account only weight and height. For this, it is determined that the bodies can be in normal weight, which is a normal weight, overweight or underweight, which would determine the absence of obesity .

Another relevant detail is that as a result of the BMI measurement, other important levels for body composition can be accessed, such as fat mass, muscle mass and bone mass. Knowing all these measures and indices, you can assess the situation in which your body is, determine energy needs , establish a different nutritional diet or start a new physical training.

Masa muscular, IMC

It should be noted that knowing your body composition does not mean that other people will have the same. On the contrary, they may be related, but they will never be the same; since when carrying out the complete analysis, individual variants such as age, height meters, sex, lifestyle , among other information will be taken, and from there take the corresponding measurements in various parts of the body. In addition, as it is individual, it will also change over the years, and that will depend on the quality of health that you maintain throughout your life.


Without a doubt, knowing your body composition through a correct evaluation of the body will show you in detail how much fat you have accumulated , if there are excesses or if, on the contrary, you should ingest more, the levels of water, muscle mass and much more information. All this is not just an aesthetic matter or to achieve a perfect figure, each measure will even serve as a warning against any medical complication, alteration of normal values or health situations that may change with another type of diet.