Protein quinoa bread

Finding a bread with a main content in whole grain is quite complicated. Unless it is made in an artisan way, breads usually contain refined wheat flour as the main base; so many interesting nutrients are lost. Quinoa is a pseudo-cereal with a high protein content, and it also contains all the essential amino acids , magnesium and manganese.

It may seem strange to eat quinoa bread, but it will really surprise your palate. In addition, this type of bread is quite interesting in celiac people because it does not contain gluten . Even if you want to reduce gluten intake in your diet, this is a perfect option. You already know that an excess of gluten can cause problems and pain in the digestive system.

pan de quinoa

The recipe is quite simple to make, since we will not have to wait to knead the bread. The result will be similar to that of a sponge cake, so it allows greater variability when it comes to accompanying it with sweets or savory. For example, you can use it as avocado toast and fresh cheese, or spread homemade peanut butter on it.

You already know that cooking is not like mathematics, so in many cases increasing the amounts is not the most appropriate. If you want to make a bigger loaf, don't fall into the mistake of doubling the amounts because it will be inedible.


  • 1 cup quinoa flour
  • 1/2 cup of linseed flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • Salt


We preheat the oven

Put it at 130º C, with resistance up and down.

First mix

In a bowl add the two types of flour, the bicarbonate and the salt. We stir until homogeneous.

Second mix

In another bowl, add the water, vinegar and oil, and stir well.

We combine the two mixtures

In this last bowl, gradually add the first mixture, while stirring so that it integrates well.

When a homogeneous paste is made, turn it over an oven container (previously greased with olive oil).

Put it in the oven

Bake the bread at 130ºC for 40 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, increase the temperature to 170ºC and leave it for another 40 minutes.

Pay special attention to time and temperature so it can bake well.

Once the time has passed, turn off the oven and open the door slightly to allow excess heat to escape.

Unmold it

Let cool 10 minutes in the oven. Take it out and leave it for another 10 minutes to cool it down more before unmolding.