What happens in the body when doing abdominal iron every day?

There is a reason why abdominal ironing is found in almost all abdominal exercises (and why there always seems to be a pushup challenge). Effective and easy to understand, this isometric exercise (i.e. static, no movement) is an important multitasking, it works your whole body while increasing your metabolism.

The irons focus mainly on your core, but also on the stabilizing muscles of the upper body, such as the shoulders. But, believe it or not, if you are doing a correct technique, your quads, pelvic floor, and glutes will also be compromised.

personas haciendo plancha abdominal

A solid core, tighter glutes, powerful quads: Daily ironing sounds like an ideal full-body exercise routine. But there are advantages and disadvantages to doing them every day.

5 benefits of doing abdominal iron every day

Fully strengthens the core

If your goal is to build a sculpted trunk, abdominal planks are the most important ingredient in your abdominal routine. They activate core muscles better than other abdominal exercises that only target core, according to an earlier study from May 2011 in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

The planks recruit the rectus abdominis , those deep abdominal muscles that are responsible for that six-pack.

This isometric exercise also strengthens the transverse abdomen , the deepest layer of the abdominal muscles responsible for the stability of the spine, and the oblique, abdominal muscles that help with rotation.

Since the iron recruits your entire core, it also targets your lower back and hips . Doing them daily will develop core strength to support your spine and help prevent back pain and stiff hip flexors. You will also experience better balance because a committed core helps you stay taller and adopt a good posture.

Your overall fitness will also increase by improving your body awareness. Here's the deal: Your body operates on a kinetic chain , which means that how one joint moves will affect the others as well. Because your core is interconnected with multiple joints in the upper and lower body, it will develop the awareness to use the correct muscles and make movements smoother.

With a stronger abdomen, you can be more robust in other areas of your exercise routine. This includes increased ability to lift heavier weights and better sports performance.

You should understand that abdominal planks are pretty good for your core, but if you have other goals of removing belly fat, the daily plank might not be the most effective routine. Trying compound exercises, like shoulder presses and deadlifts, gives you the benefit of working your core and building lean muscle, which helps increase your metabolic rate.

Intensively works the lower body

As a full-body exercise, the iron involves squeezing the quads and buttocks and tucking in the pelvis to hook the core. This allows you to evenly distribute your weight throughout the body, rather than shifting it towards the shoulders, which can cause tension.

The tighter your lower body is, the easier the iron will be. This is because realistically, the more control you can exercise, the longer you can maintain proper positions.

By squeezing your glutes during a board, you hit the trio of muscles in your back: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minor. That pelvic fold is also a signal to take your butt to the toning party because to get your pelvis underneath, you have to grab and squeeze your butt.

The stronger your glutes, the less pressure you will put on your lower back and the more stable you will feel during other activities , such as cycling. Generally, your hips will also perform better with a stronger backside because weak glutes force you to compensate with your hips. Strong glutes are also the recipe for better overall power, speed, and athletic performance.

Many people often forget to turn on their quads during an abdominal iron, but doing so prevents your lower body from sagging. Your quads are also a source of strength, so engaging in isometric movements like planks improves your stability, especially at the knees.

Weak quadriceps not only wreak havoc on overall knee function , but a June 2011 study of osteoarthritis cartilage shows that it can also contribute to cartilage loss in the knee joint, leading to Could once lead to osteoarthritis. So don't neglect your quads when you iron.

That said, doing this exercise every day can only influence your glutes and quads. You'll get more focus on lower body exercises like squats and strides, so be sure to vary your workouts.

hombre haciendo escaladores en la arena

Increase your total body strength

Although the abdominal iron is a core-focused exercise, you can increase your overall strength for everyday movements.

That's because you use your core to do almost everything, whether you're walking down the street or bending down to pick up a package. Engaging your core will help you lift heavy things over the top and make it easier to open doors.

Consider the table as a fundamental movement, one that develops your strength from scratch. Once your board is solid, you can build it effectively and challenge yourself with more difficult exercises. In fact, many of the movements you regularly make not only use the fundamental force obtained from the plates, but are also variations of plates in disguise.

For example, push-ups, inverted paddles , climbers, and even kettlebell swings all involve irons. If you are doing boards daily, it is a good idea to mix things up to test your strength. The good thing about these table variations is that they are dynamic, so they have the added cardiovascular benefit of increasing your heart rate.

Activates metabolism

Irons engage your entire body, which directly correlates with increased work capacity. Every time primary motors (legs and buttocks) are involved, there will be a greater burning of calories. That is why, on a board, people must remember to squeeze their legs, squeeze their thighs and buttocks, and hold the core and trunk steady.

But doing tables every day doesn't mean you're accelerating your metabolism to its full potential. Focus on dynamic, non-isometric exercises like jumps, climbers, and burpees to increase your heart rate and burn more calories.

Improve your mobility

Because planks strengthen your entire body, you are putting yourself in a better position to avoid injury and improve stability and mobility with age.

For example, planks help with your posture by focusing on stacking your spine in the proper alignment. This in turn helps you avoid putting more pressure on your muscles and joints , including your spine, shoulders, hips, and knees. Moving with good posture also helps prevent slips and falls.

Plates can be particularly useful for runners. A January 2018 study in the Journal of Biomechanics suggests that runners who have weak core muscles may exert excess stress on the lower back due to compensation from other muscles. The boards focus on stabilizing this area to mitigate stress, making it a better and more efficient runner.

Just be careful that doing abdominal straightening every day, especially heavy and dynamic ones, can also irritate existing injuries and lead to new ones due to overuse. So if you feel some tension in your shoulders and wrists it could be a sign that you are abusing. If you feel any discomfort in these areas, take a break from the boards.