Tricks to get rid of skin spots

Once the summer is over, when the tan is lightening and returning to its usual tone, it is possible to observe some spots on the skin. After long sun exposures during the summer months, certain signs may occur that we have not observed before. Here are some tricks to reduce or even remove spots on the skin.

It is common that, due to exposure to sunlight or the passage of time, among other causes, spots appear on the skin. These are more frequent in the face, neckline and hands area. The change in some daily habits, the incorporation of new steps in the beauty routine or the implementation of certain natural remedies, could diminish and even make those dark marks disappear.

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The causes for which spots appear on the skin are diverse. These can be of hormonal origin, excess sun, a certain age, caused by acne, burns or scars … It is very important, regardless of the origin, to use sun protection throughout the year , beyond the beach and pool months. In this way, you contribute to caring for your skin and reduce the risk of staining, as well as obvious signs of age and the passage of time, such as wrinkles, dryness, lack of shine …

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Tricks to get rid of skin spots

Makeup that covers and removes

Many women choose to cover their spots, especially on the face and décolleté. Using makeup. It can hide and hide them, but when we remove it, they are still there. It is an excellent idea to use this trick, however, we can help reduce stains while covering them. And there are cosmetic products that include lightening, depigmenting active ingredients and, in addition, with a high factor of sun protection. Do not settle for covering the spots and take the opportunity to make them disappear at the same time.

Goodbye to tobacco

You should know that the fact of having some spots does not leave you exempt from suffering the appearance of more. Therefore, you should not settle for trying to eliminate the ones you already have, but take care not to give rise to the appearance of new ones. For this, it would be highly recommended to change some habits. Smoking, for example, is not only harmful to your internal health, it also leaves evidence on your physical appearance . A duller, flaccid skin, with the signs of age very marked, are some of the consequences. Also, this habit enhances the appearance of spots on the skin. For this reason, taking root with tobacco is essential to take care of your health, improve your appearance and, in addition, considerably increase your quality of life. Do not give them many laps, this moment is a good time to leave it.

Depigmenting cream

A good depigmenting cream is essential to remove the spots that you like so little. Its ingredients block the formation of melanin , neutralize the free radicals that cause the appearance of spots, and have an exfoliating effect on pigmented cells. Therefore, find out which cream favors your skin type the most, and start your routine against blemishes.

Protector on the street and in the office

We are going through a very important moment of technological evolution. It is rare that someone does not have a mobile phone, tablet and computer and does not use it throughout the day. Well, you should know that not only the external light affects the skin, causing the appearance of spots. Numerous studies have shown that blue light emitted from screens could trigger melanin formation. Get a cream designed to protect against the light emitted by screens and take care not only in the sun, but also in front of the screens.

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What other habits do I change to decrease skin blemishes?

Other habits that you can put aside to promote the good condition of the skin are, for example, continually stop touching pimples or blackheads. By doing this, you can injure your skin and activate the melanin, leaving a dark stain in the place of the granite that, later, you will have to remove based on dedication.

If you have recently shaved your hair , you should allow a few days before exposing yourself to the sun. Otherwise, you could be contributing to pigment the skin of the area in question. Apply factor 50 protective cream the following days and, if possible, avoid direct sun exposure in the area.

Another fact that could cause skin blemishes is perfuming yourself before sun exposure. You could trigger a reaction on your skin that would lead to excess melanin and pigmentation as a result, even without sunbathing directly.

If you are taking any medication with photoactive ingredients , the sun could cause spots on your skin. Therefore, ask your doctor and when in doubt, avoid sunbathing directly and protect yourself with high factor cream.