Are you tired? Everything you don't know about fatigue

Sometimes we feel tired and we don't understand exactly what is happening to us. We do not perform at work as we should, any task that we have to do at home becomes difficult for us and our spirits fall because of all the above and, also, because of everything we feel. Not having enough energy affects us in many ways and the worst thing is not knowing how to deal with the situation. In order to help you solve this problem, throughout this article we are going to explain everything you do not know about fatigue . You will be surprised by many data that you will read below, but they will help you better understand your body and better handle the circumstances in which you find yourself.

What is fatigue?

When we tell you that we are going to talk to you about everything you don't know about fatigue , it also includes answering the question of what it is. If we think about it, the general answer would really be "be tired", but it is much more. That is why we want to analyze the definition at this point. It is a feeling of tiredness, lack of energy and exhaustion . But we are not just talking about that fatigue that one feels when, throughout a day, he works a lot, but it is a constant situation that accompanies us even when we go to sleep.

Therefore, when we talk about this problem, we are not referring to the fact that one day we are sleepy and we simply want to stay in bed longer. Actually, fatigue is related to lack of motivation and apathy . It is an answer to many factors. These include emotional stress, physical exertion, lack of sleep, or even boredom . It is an increasingly common symptom and, although it is not related to a serious illness, it can be a sign of a significant mental or physical disorder that we need to pay attention to. Moreover, if despite eating well, sleeping well and not being surrounded by a stressful environment we continue to feel fatigue, it is time to go to a doctor's office to tell him about our situation.

Todo lo que no sabes de la fatiga

Causes of fatigue

The causes of fatigue are many and very diverse. For this reason, on many occasions we have to have the help of a doctor who tells us what our situation is to know how to improve it. For example, one of them is anemia . We can know this through a blood test. In this case, it will be the specialist who tells us how to face it and overcome it to feel better. On the other hand, it is also possible to suffer from iron deficiency without having anemia. In this case, it will also be the medical professional who will tell us how to act.

Also, depression can leave us without strength from the moment we wake up. The reason? Everything that mattered to us no longer encourages us, and what worried us worries us even more. With depression we enter a well that sometimes turns out to be bottomless, just a darkness that seems to never end.

There are medications, such as sedatives or antidepressants , which also greatly affect our body. Therefore, perhaps the best option is to change them to start feeling better.

Pain, sleep disorders, and alcohol use

Sometimes we are not aware of how pain in a certain area prevents us from leading a normal life . Even a tooth can limit us when it comes to doing our daily activities due to the discomfort it causes us. In this case, we will have to know how to calm him down in order to get back to reality.

Todo lo que no sabes de la fatiga

Likewise, sleep disorders can do us a lot of harm. We don't know how important it is to get a good night's sleep to show off good mental and physical health . Therefore, we must know what happens to us in order to find the correct solution. Not being able to fall asleep is not the same as waking up repeatedly during the night. Each case must be treated in the appropriate way to be able to overcome it.

Drinking alcohol and drugs harms our body in different ways, and one of them is causing us a feeling of constant fatigue. Taking into account that the latter can be added to other consequences that take place from these toxic substances, the damage can be very high if we cannot control what we take.

Other diseases

Fatigue can also be caused by conditions such as anorexia, bulimia, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and kidney disease . Also due to heart failure, liver disease or an infection that is not treated properly or lasts a long time. Regarding the latter, we find bacterial endocarditis, mononucleosis or tuberculosis .

Home treatments to stop fatigue

Of course, if we talk about everything you need to know about fatigue , you can not miss the treatments that will help us feel healthier. Of course, they are still small routines that do not face a complication. Among them is a good night's sleep . Sometimes certain infusions, such as lemon balm, help us relax and calm our nervousness, so it can be a solution to our problems.

On the other hand, following a balanced and healthy diet will help us to be better in all aspects. Within this section we are not talking only about eating fruits and vegetables, but also about drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Exercise is also essential for our body. We must move and activate our muscles constantly. The best thing to do is to practice those activities that we like, such as walking through nature, riding a bike or doing aerobics to the rhythm of our favorite music. Yoga or meditation are also ways to exercise our body while relaxing it. Therefore, if it is what you are looking for, you already know which path you should start to travel.

Todo lo que no sabes de la fatiga

Work schedule, vitamins and other self-care

Maintaining a work schedule that allows us to dedicate time to ourselves is very important. Life is not just a matter of working, but we also need to listen to our mind to understand what we want and do it. Hobbies are necessary and help us recharge energy, since they make us feel good and allow us to believe in ourselves.

Stressful situations must be avoided . If a job hurts us emotionally or if a person in our life hurts us constantly, we just have to turn the wheel to change the road and make that discomfort disappear.

Taking vitamins is very necessary . Now, we must know which ones we should acquire according to our needs, otherwise, it will not help. We can count on the help of an expert to make the best decision. Of course, leaving tobacco, alcohol and other drugs aside will allow us to improve in different aspects. In this way, it is best to remove them from our life as soon as possible.

Medical consultation

Now, if we have periods of confusion, feel dizzy, have blurred vision, our weight increases or suicidal thoughts come to mind, it is essential to go to a medical consultation urgently . If not, in some cases the consequences can be fatal.