Wrist sprain: how to prevent it with these tips

Wrist sprain is one of the most common injuries that usually occur in the hands. In this article you will learn everything you need to know about a wrist sprain, as well as some practical advice to prevent or treat this condition.

What is the doll?

The wrist is the most complex joint that exists in our body . Its anatomical area, which establishes the junction between the forearm and the hand, includes the distal metaepiphyseal extremities of the radius and ulna bones, the two rows of carpal bones, and the bases of the metacarpal bones. Therefore, it is not only the carpal bones that make up the joint, but includes distal portions of the forearm bones (radius and ulna), as well as proximal portions of the metacarpal bones.

Some of the structural characteristics of the wrist is that it allows the development of complex movements in the different planes of space and the ligaments that it includes, favor the fixation of the bone system and the stability of the entire joint complex.

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Bones and joints that make up the joint complex of the wrist

The wrist is a complex set of joints made up of:

  • The radiocarpal (ellipsoid) joint, which is located between the facets of the articular surface of the radius and the scaphoid and lunate bones of the carpus.
  • Trochoid joint , positioned between the sigmoid cavity of the medial aspect of the radius and the ulnar head.
  • The midcarpal joint that is made up of the bones of the first row (scaphoid, lunate, pyramidal and pisiform) and the bones of the second row (trapezium, trapezoid, great and hamate) and which are also arthrodias although with a more limited mobility due to be united by ligaments, including the annular ligament that joins the trapezius and the hamate;
  • Intercarpal joints , which are located between the bones of the rows themselves;
  • The carpometacarpal joints , located between the distal row of the carpus and the metacarpal bones.

What is a sprain?

A sprain is a sprain or strain of the ligaments that arises when the ligaments are overstretched or when a specific joint is placed in an unnatural position.

This injury is characterized by muscle aches, swelling, discoloration of the skin and the most characteristic symptom is stiffness of the damaged joint.

There are three types of sprains classified according to the severity and damage caused to the joint itself:

  • Grade 1 sprain : there is strain of the ligaments, but there is no rupture of the same.
  • Grade 2 sprain : There has been a partial tear of the ligamentous tissue.
  • The most serious, grade 3 sprain : the rupture of the ligamentous portion is complete.

Tips to prevent wrist sprain in sports practice

Injuries are unpredictable and we cannot know when they will arrive , but with the following tips you can alleviate the extent of them, and even prevent many of them.

Equip yourself appropriately

An appropriate equipment for sports practice can help not to harm us. You must adapt your clothing to the sport you are going to do . Wrist straps can also be a valid option to protect your wrists from injury.

Heats up properly

Warming up is essential, whatever the sport you do, so it must be present in advance whenever you go to exercise. In this part of the training your body will get ready to perform, in the most optimal way possible, the subsequent physical activity that you are going to develop, allowing better movement and lubrication of the joints.

When you warm up, you are not only preventing injuries, but your exercise performance will be improved by having your joints lubricated and your cardiorespiratory system elevated.

Train strength

Strength training will not only bring you benefits on a physical and metabolic level, but on a muscular level it will make your muscles present more strength and can withstand greater intensities and impacts during training without suffering injuries.

Muscles serve as shock absorbers for joint damage , so a strong and developed musculature will allow you to maintain good health of bone structures.

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Do stretches

Stretching will make your joints more mobile. A more mobile joint with a greater range of motion will resist injury much better.

Sprains are caused, in most cases, in joints limited of mobility that do not have enough capacity to resist to withstand a force.

Wrist Sprain Recovery

Once the wrist sprain is diagnosed, the joint will be immobilized and other complementary tests will be ordered, such as nuclear magnetic resonance or ultrasound to study the ligamentous paths that help determine the degree of the injury.

The wrist sprain recovery protocol will be determined based on the degree of injury.

  • In the event that the sprain is grade I, it is advisable to rest, apply local ice (cryotherapy) and a wristband or a simple elastic bandage along with an anti-inflammatory treatment that can help reduce inflammation.
  • If the sprain is grade II, it will require a rigid immobilization type forearm semicompressive bandage or a dorsal forearm plaster splint.
  • Finally, if it is grade III, an imaging study should be performed to assess whether surgery is required. Of course, the area should be immobilized until the definitive diagnosis is obtained .

General advice in the first moments

  • Apply local cold (not directly on the skin).
  • Put on a bandage to keep the joint immobilized and a sling (to prevent inflammation of the fingers) if necessary.
  • Go to a medical consultation to be evaluated by a health professional.
  • You should try to fully recover from the injury, as untreated acute ligamentous injuries can lead to chronic injuries and even frictional bone wear.
  • Perform a rehabilitative treatment after acute phase immobilization and to guarantee the recovery of joint mobility.


Wrist sprain tends to be a very frequent injury among the population ; however, this type of pathology is not usually given the importance it should.

A misdiagnosis of the injury will lead to a lousy joint recovery protocol, which in the long run can lead to a chronic disease causing discomfort and generating problems in our hands.

We advise you that when you suffer pain in the wrist and it does not subside with rest after 48 hours, you go to a specialist who evaluates and can prescribe a treatment to remedy the problem.


  • Medina Gonzalez, Carlos, Benet Rodríguez, Mikhail, & Marco Martínez, Fernando. (2016). The articular complex of the wrist: anatphysiological and biomechanical aspects, characteristics, classification and treatment of the distal radius fracture. MediSur , 14 (4), 430-446. Retrieved on July 2, 2021, from http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1727-897X2016000400011&lng=es&tlng=es.
  • Topdoctors. Sprain topdoctors.es. https://www.topdoctors.es/dictionary-medico/esguince
  • García, A. (January 19, 2021). Types of wrist sprain and their recovery. salud.mapfre.es https://www.salud.mapfre.es/enfermedades/traumatologicas/esguince-muneca-tratamiento-tipos/