Why shouldn't you put milk in the coffee maker?

TikTok can have many good things, but certain inventions could put our health at risk. The last thing is to put milk in the coffee maker and garnish with a little chocolate bar. Although it looks good, the actual result is disastrous.

Making a cup of coffee with milk, instead of water, could be a time saver. However, experts say that we cannot put milk in a coffee pot because it will destroy the coffee pot and burn the milk. Italian coffee pots are designed to be brewed with water and reach around 95 degrees Celsius, but hot milk only reaches 70 degrees. Any remaining milk residue will coat the inside of the coffee maker and damage it.

breeding ground for bacteria

This is the main reason not to put milk in the coffee maker. It can lead to serious health problems. If we do not clean the coffee maker well after putting milk in it, the residues of this liquid accumulate and form bacteria. This can lead to problems with the digestive system, including vomiting and diarrhea if we continue to drink coffee from a bacteria-infected machine.

Mold can grow on anything that the milk has touched during the brewing process. This makes the machine unhygienic and will most likely make future coffees taste unpleasant.

The machine is designed to make coffee with water because the water helps to extract the flavor from the ground coffee. If we use milk instead, we won’t get the same results because the milk won’t extract the flavor in the same way. The result is a horrible tasting cup of coffee that could put you off coffee forever.

cafetera con leche o agua

could explode

Milk is thicker than water, and moving through the brewer will take longer and could cause the brewer to become clogged or even damaged beyond repair. The coffee maker can withstand one or even two cycles, but it will most likely become clogged with burned milk and stop working unless cleaned between uses.

Residual milk gets trapped in the mechanisms of the machine and makes every cup of coffee you make afterward taste bad if you don’t clean every last trace of milk from the machine. Milk contains proteins and fats that water doesn’t, which means the milk will thicken and leave an unpleasant residue. In addition, we run the risk that this obstruction generates an explosion, being dangerous for our integrity and the rest of the kitchen.