Why is it dangerous to wear an underwired bra?

When a person buys a bra, the first thing they think about is comfort. It seems that the push-up versions and the underwired bra are over to give way to the sports ones. But are there really problems in its use?

According to various reports, sales of sports bras have exploded, with people assigned as female at birth wearing them all day rather than just while exercising. Meanwhile, brands specialized in wireless support are appearing little by little.

While many people are turning to soft cups for the feeling of being relaxed, some are also concerned that underwire could be unhealthy, mainly because this type of underwired bra could cause breast cancer.

What is an underwired bra?

There may be people who are not familiar with this term, so we will quickly go over everything about this type of bra.

An underwired bra is one that uses a thin, semi-circular strip of sturdy material that is inserted under the fabric of the bra. The cable that is inserted is usually made of plastic, metal, or resin. What is the purpose of this hoop? It is made to lift the breasts, somehow shaping the natural shape of your breasts.

In terms of its origins, the concept of underwire bras dates back to 1893 , with a patent describing a breast support device that uses a rigid plate underneath this part of the body. It then evolved in the 1930s and gained popularity in the 1950s. To this day, it is one of the best-selling types of bras on the market. However, some myths have suddenly emerged, stating what problems underwired bras create for health.

Neck and head pain

Wearing an underwired bra that doesn’t fit perfectly can lead to neck and back pain, especially if you have large breasts. These areas of the body work hard to compensate for the lack of structure provided by the bra. The same is true if we wear the same underwired bra for years without investing in new bras. The underwire and bra stretch and handle with every wear and wash. It should be a priority to check your bra size every few years (which may change) and consider buying new bras as an investment in health.

If we always suffer from headaches and can’t figure out why, the underwire bra could be the culprit. Unless we are wearing a bra that fits perfectly (and most women go years without knowing they are wearing the wrong bra), one with poorly fitting underwire can make the neck and back muscles work harder to support the breasts. , which can result in something called a cervicogenic headache . Symptoms of this type of headache appear on only one side of the head and appear to originate in the neck and move up towards the front of the head or behind the eyes.

Could they cause breast cancer?

For decades, there have been rumors of a link between the underwired bra and breast cancer. The theory is that the earrings can block the flow of lymphatic fluid , so toxins are not removed properly and instead accumulate in the body, leading to cancer.

The lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic vessels, which are similar to blood vessels, lymphatic fluid, and lymph nodes. Lymphatic fluid circulates through the lymphatic vessels and is rich in an immune cell known as a lymphocyte. This substance is important in the body’s response to bacteria and viruses. Lymph nodes, which are present throughout the body, serve as filters for lymphatic fluid. Additionally, this system maintains fluid levels in the body and transports nutrients from the intestines to the bloodstream.

Lymphatic channels are also where the body gets rid of bacteria, viruses, and even cancer cells. The lymph nodes in the armpit filter this waste, similar to how the filter that covers the sink drain traps hair to prevent it from falling down the pipe. So the immune system attacks anything in the lymph nodes that isn’t supposed to be there.

So could a tight-fitting, rigid underwire bra obstruct the critical passage of fluid to the lymph nodes? People are concerned that lymphatic fluid could get stuck in the breast. And if the body is harboring an unhealthy fluid that contains abnormal cells or waste products, it could eventually contaminate the breast and cause problems like cancer.

After all, the lymph nodes in the armpits may be the first place breast cancer spreads. But do not be so alert, the fact is that the lymphatic fluid remains in circulation, even when wearing clothing that exerts pressure against the lymphatic channels. In fact, one study found that no type of bra – including cup size, the number of hours per day worn, and whether it was an underwired bra – was associated with an increased risk of cancer.

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Can they be used in breastfeeding?

Many breastfeeding specialists say it is best to skip the ring. The recommendation is not to wear an underwire bra, as they can put significant pressure on the milk ducts and cause plugging, which can lead to mastitis. This, in turn, can decrease your milk supply. Mastitis can also cause pain, swelling, flu-like symptoms, and possibly an infection.

The breasts change a lot as milk enters, so the wires, or even tight elastic, can move and be on the breast tissue instead of being held from behind. There are many supportive bras available without wires, and the fit is actually the most important thing.

Therefore, a self-test should be done before buying a bra. We will raise our arms and move them to see if the bra is comfortable. We have to be sure that it does not rise, move or put pressure on the breast tissue. Even nursing mothers should avoid wearing super-tight sports bras, even during workouts. If a bra constantly compresses the breast tissue with milk-producing glands, it can destroy the milk-producing cells and decrease the supply.

Alternatives to the underwired bra

When you have large breasts, buying bras can be a real challenge, especially if we are looking to say goodbye to underwire. The best non-wired bras for large breasts use various combinations of stretch fabric, wide bands, and smart strap placement. This will keep them content and comfortable.

While there are times when we may feel like unleashing our inner Sophia Loren, underwired bras aren’t the only option if we have large breasts. You can go for lace styles, strappy yoga bralettes, or sports bras. Whatever the choice, there is a non-wired bra that will fit anyone perfectly. We just have to make sure we look for the best one with the help of a professional or specialist, if we don’t have much idea which one to choose.