Why is it a good idea to add mushrooms to your diet?

Mushrooms are also known as edible mushrooms and there are many types and there are even those with a designation of origin. They are very versatile and grateful foods, since they are used for almost any meal, be it rice, pizza, hamburger, with egg, for sandwiches, alone, in salads, in stews, with more vegetables, etc.

Mushrooms, in general, are foods rich in nutrients, although it is convenient not to exceed their daily amount, since they have certain adverse effects, but as a general rule they gain more benefits and properties, so today we want to make these foods the protagonists of the day so we know everything from nutrients to the maximum amount per person.

What’s good about mushrooms?

Mushrooms are an ideal and quite complete food, although they are not suitable for all members of the family, although we will clarify this issue at the end of the article.

Mushrooms are as rich and versatile as they are healthy, and to be more exact, we are going to count the main nutrients in these foods. For starters, they are rich in soluble fiber , low in fat (although later it depends on how they are cooked), high in vegetable proteins, free of cholesterol and unhealthy fats.

This food, apart from having a high gastronomic value, also has a high nutritional value. For example, they are rich in vitamins A, group B, C and D. Minerals are abundant in mushrooms and almost all types have the same minerals such as iodine, zinc, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, potassium, and calcium.

Dos platos con setas y verduras

Daily amount and ideas for our diet

As we have already advanced, mushrooms are wonderful, yes, especially nutritionally speaking, but it is not good to exceed the quantities either. That is why we want to count how many grams of mushrooms at most can be eaten per day and then give some ideas on how to prepare them and add them to our diet, so that it is not always the same way.

Mushrooms in large quantities are indigestible, especially if eaten at night. It is recommended to consume mushrooms about 3 times a week and a maximum amount of one cup per person . It is best to accompany it with other ingredients and eat them as naturally as possible, but always remembering that mushrooms are not eaten raw, at least steam them, turn and turn in the pan with EVOO and spices or in the microwave with EVOO and spices.

Some ideas to add this food to our diet and integrate it in a more natural and conscious way is to make empanadas, scrambled eggs, pizzas, salads, stews, fish with mushroom sauce, meat, pasta, sauces, garlic mushrooms, etc.

Benefits of mushrooms

We already know what mushrooms provide, how often it is recommended to eat them, some ideas to cook them and add them to our diet and the maximum amount per adult. Now we just need to know what benefits they bring to the body and why so many doctors recommend their weekly consumption.

Anti-hair loss and anti-aging

This food is exceptional if we want to stop hair loss and premature aging of the skin. When it comes to solving a health problem, you almost always have to find the inner root of the problem and it is often related to diet and lifestyle.

Of all the mushroom varieties, mushrooms have high amounts of antioxidants , which is why they are a very good option when adding them to our recipes. For example, the variety of shiitake mushroom contains a lot of copper and this trace element is essential for the manufacture of collagen that provides the smoothness of the skin.

Mushrooms for weight loss

Mushrooms have a high satiating power and that, together with the fact that they are very low in calories and fat, helps weight loss. By leaving that feeling of a full stomach for a longer time, it helps us reduce the snacks between meals that are so bad for us, since most of them are usually unhealthy.

Almost all of it is water, and they only have between 15 and 30 kilocalories per 100 grams of product . This should not lead us to abuse the quantities, but we can add them more frequently in our lunches.

Un puñado de setas crudas listas para ser cocinadas

Regulate cholesterol

By adding them to our diet we will be helping the body to reduce high cholesterol and regulate blood pressure. Mushrooms are cholesterol-free, and the shiitake and reishi varieties improve blood flow and protect blood vessels while regulating blood pressure levels.

To all this, it is added that mushrooms can be a good substitute for meat, so we could opt for a vegetable diet several times a week, to reduce our cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Suitable for diabetics

Diabetics have a somewhat reduced list of ingredients, but mushrooms can be eaten, as long as the doctor does not say otherwise. Being a food rich in fiber, low in calories, without cholesterol and that improves the microbiota, it becomes a star food.

To all this, it is added that mushrooms have a low sugar level and differ slowly, so they do not cause spikes in blood glucose. And these are the reasons why mushrooms are recommended for diabetics (for adults).

Contraindications of mushrooms

The consumption of mushrooms can give certain reactions ranging from indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, hives, nausea, etc. Likewise, these mushrooms are allowed during pregnancy and lactation as long as we have not had any type of adverse reaction before.

Edible mushroom poisoning exists, so it is important to choose the variety well, make sure that they look healthy, that they do not smell weird, that they are not sweaty, nor are there any bugs inside the pot or tray, etc.

Allergic reactions and intolerances multiply when it comes to mushrooms, so it is not highly recommended to give this food to minors or elderly people, or to continue consuming them when we already have suspicions of stomach pain, hives, diarrhea and other adverse effects.