Why do pimples appear inside the nose?

A pimple inside the nose can be a minor nuisance or a sign of infection. Understanding the difference and learning how to care for an infected pimple can reduce the chance that an infection will spread or worsen.

Blackheads in the nostril, while uncomfortable, are usually not a cause for great concern. Even so, we should not try to burst it at home.


Blackheads in the nostrils, which experts call nasal vestibulitis , are basically little mounds of irritated or infected tissue. A pimple inside the nose can result from inflammation of a hair follicle, which is inside the nose, or as a result of clogged pores or oil glands.

It is possible that these grains are created randomly. But more often they are the result of plucking nasal hairs, frequent nose picking or blowing, or even having a piercing.

Blackheads on the nose are also more likely to appear in people who are immunocompromised or who have diabetes. That is, if we have a condition that makes us more susceptible to infections, we are more likely to develop pimples in our nostrils. Those of the nostrils are usually annoying, but they are not usually a big problem. They will usually go away on their own.

That said, serious complications can sometimes occur. If the pimple becomes infected, the infection may travel through the veins in the face to the brain. And infections that spread to the brain have the potential to become life-threatening.

nasal vestibulitis

Nasal vestibulitis is also known as folliculitis . This condition can cause a red, swollen bump or a collection of red or white bumps, usually at the openings of the nostrils.

Staphylococcus bacteria is a common cause of folliculitis. Certain habits, such as nose picking or nose blowing too often, can contribute to folliculitis.

Nasal boils and cellulitis

Nasal boils are boils or infections deeper in the nose. This condition is considered more serious because it can lead to cellulitis, a rapidly spreading skin infection that can enter the bloodstream. This condition causes dimpling of the skin, swelling, and red areas of inflammation. In some cases, cellulite can be deadly.

Staph, Streptococcus, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections cause cellulitis. The infection is serious because it is difficult to treat and resistant to many antibiotics. In some cases, it is even life-threatening.

ingrown hairs

A pimple inside the nose can also be the result of an ingrown hair. Some people may get pimples inside their nose after trying certain hair removal methods. They usually go away on their own, but sometimes you have to go to a specialist to remove the ingrown hair.

espinillas dentro de la nariz

How to remove them?

Sometimes a small pimple inside the nose will go away on its own. If the area is easily accessible (in other words, just near the edge of the nostril), applying a warm compress may be soothing.

However, we have to resist the temptation to pop the pimple or prick it. Popping pimples can create more inflammation and lead to additional breakouts. Additionally, it can cause an infection within the pimple to spread to areas such as the brain. If the lump or pimple does not go away or if the pain or tenderness increases, we should see a doctor. Experiencing symptoms like fever or swelling are also reasons to see a medical professional. In that case, antibiotic ointments such as bacitracin or mupirocin may be needed to clear the infection.

Scratching or trying to pop the pimple can make the pore more vulnerable to bacterial infection. Allowing the pimple to heal without disrupting it will prevent a more serious condition from developing. If we feel a lot of discomfort, we will ask a doctor. They prick the pimple safely to relieve pain.

There are also some home remedies such as:

over-the-counter pain relievers

Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever can help ease the pain associated with a pimple inside your nose. Examples include ibuprofen, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), and acetaminophen.

hot compresses

Applying warm, moist compresses to the nose can help reduce the pain and discomfort associated with the pimple. We will try to use compresses three times a day for 15 to 20 minutes at a time.

Essential oils

Essential oils can also provide relief when applied to the inside of the nostrils. Before using essential oils, we will make sure that we are not allergic to them. We must dilute essential oils with a carrier oil. We will avoid the use of pure oils. Several essential oils can cause serious problems when used at full strength.

Essential oils to try for acne include thyme, cinnamon, rosemary, tea tree, and neem. Carrier oils to use include olive oil and coconut oil.

How to prevent?

The best way to prevent pimples from forming in your nostrils is to keep your tweezers and fingers out of your nose. We must avoid picking our nose or any type of nasal hair removal.

If recurring pimples continue to be a problem, they could be related to excess bacteria in the nasal passages. Keeping the area clean with a warm washcloth and mild soap can help remove dirt and germs and reduce the chance of pimples forming.

Also by increasing your intake of vitamin D you can help prevent acne in general. Although stress doesn’t necessarily cause pimples, it can worsen the condition and delay healing. We may want to try some stress relief techniques if we feel stress levels rising.