Why are there foods that change the color of urine?

The color of urine changes depending on the amount of water or other liquids that we have ingested (yes, you can also drink water with food). That makes peeing a great visual indicator of how hydrated you are.

But what happens when the color of the urine does not have the usual shades of yellow? Should we be concerned? This liquid can appear in a variety of different colors: reddish pink, dark brown, light orange, bright yellow, and even blue. And most of the time (but not always) that color change is the result of a harmless drug or diet change and is not a concern.

Is it dangerous for urine to change color?

Although a change in urine color is generally harmless, it can sometimes be an indicator that something else is going on in your health. If you’re concerned, see a doctor to determine if changes in the color of your pee are a symptom of something more serious.

Dark yellow and even brown urine could indicate that you are dehydrated. It is important to stay hydrated to prevent kidney stones and other health damages. Ideally, the color of your urine should be light yellow and should tend to clear most of the time, indicating that you are well hydrated.

If the pee is consistently dark yellow or orange, and adjusting fluid and supplement intake doesn’t work, we should see a doctor. This can be a sign of liver or bile duct problems. Other colors like green, pink / red, and brown, when they are not the direct result of something you ate, can indicate a medical condition. Green urine could indicate a bacterial infection; pink or red can be blood or infection; and the brown one could be rhabdomyolysis.

However, food also plays a fundamental role in the color of the pee. It does not have to be something alarming, but it can reassure us to know the origin of the changes in the tones. As we say, they are generally harmless, especially if they occur without any other symptoms. When in doubt, it is recommended to seek medical attention if there is blood in the urine. This can be an indicator of urinary tract infections, kidney stones and if the bleeding is painless it could be an infection or other more serious condition.

esparragos que cambian de color la orina

Nutrients that change the color of urine

If the color of your pee has changed lately, you will be interested in knowing the nutrients or foods that influence the change in the hue of urine. Look out for the following possible causes of non-yellow pee colors.


It can be alarming to see urine stained red or pink in the toilet bowl, until you remember that you recently ate beets.

The so-called ” beeturia ” is said to affect 10 to 14 percent of the population. Strawberry-colored pee with plant pigments and other compounds in beets and blackberries that can affect urine color. This color is caused by the excretion of a pigment called betanin. The discoloration of urine varies appreciably from person to person.

Also, urine discoloration depends on the amount of acid content present in the stomach, as well as the presence of protective substances such as oxalic acid.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is found in a variety of foods, including animal protein, green leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals and breads. There are actually eight different types of B vitamins.

Although experts suggest that foods containing B vitamins can turn urine bright yellow or orange, it is much more common with supplements and usually in high doses. Of all the B vitamins, a color change in urine is most likely to be noticed with a B complex supplement or if we take riboflavin (also known as B2) or vitamin B12.

Also, if we are taking a B6 supplement, the smell of urine may also change.

Vitamin C

Some foods, although mostly supplements have higher doses, that contain vitamin C turn the urine bright yellow or orange. This happens because vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, so if we consume too much, either through a supplement or by eating a large amount of foods rich in C such as kiwis, peppers and strawberries, the body urinates the excess. .

However, getting adequate or healthy amounts of vitamin C, especially from food, is actually good for urinary tract health. Studies have shown that people who consumed healthy amounts of vitamin C from food were less likely to develop symptoms of overactive bladder.

It is recommended to take the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, which is 75 to 90 milligrams.


Surely you knew that eating a lot of carrots can turn orange peel. It’s true, and that’s due to the beta -carotene in carrots, which is the pigment that makes carrots orange.

That slightly tan, orange hue is usually most prominent on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Although beta-carotene could also cause urine to turn a light orange color. However, nothing happens. Eating so many carrots that your skin turns orange is pretty harmless.


Eating large amounts of rhubarb can also cause urine to turn pink or red, possibly as a result of the anthocyanins in rhubarb, which are the compounds that give this vibrant plant pinkish hue.

Eating a lot of rhubarb might even turn your urine dark brown, although this is nothing to worry about at first. Although this plant contains high levels of oxalic acid, and its consumption can considerably increase the levels of oxalic acid in the urine. This could lead to an increased risk of kidney stones.