Whole wheat pasta vs normal pasta What are the differences and what benefits do they provide?

How many times do we wonder how whole foods benefit us? What difference is there with those who are not? Macaroni, noodles or spaghetti, for example, are foods that can be found in many varieties and cooked in many ways. In this article we will deal with the issue of whole wheat pasta vs normal pasta , in order for you to understand why you buy one variety or another.

Benefits of whole foods

When we think of eating a healthy diet , the foods that come to mind almost instantly are whole grains. The motives? We describe them below.

They improve intestinal transit and prevent constipation

These benefits are the best known when it comes to consuming fiber. This speeds up the evacuation process, increasing the frequency with which we go to the bathroom . Stools become much bulkier and less consistent.

Increases the feeling of satiety

High fiber diets prevent overweight and obesity . Whole foods tend to contain fewer calories in the same amount of food.

Prevents hypercholesterolemia

This disease is the result of excess cholesterol in the blood . One way to control it is through whole grain foods, since fiber favors less cholesterol absorption.

Pasta integral vs pasta normal

Differences between whole wheat pasta and normal pasta

When we go to a grocery store and we look at the area where the pasta is placed, we usually find two very different varieties: whole wheat pasta and normal pasta . What is the difference? Next we will develop the topic of whole wheat pasta vs normal pasta .

Whole wheat pasta vs normal pasta

Normal pasta is the best known and most consumed variant in the world. It is made mainly from refined flour and is sometimes enriched with iron and vitamin B. However, most of the time it fails to reach the nutritional value of whole wheat pasta . The latter is made mainly of whole wheat that contains germ and bran , among other components.

Nutritional components of pasta

To compare the differences between whole wheat pasta and normal pasta , it is enough to analyze the nutritional components of each. Thus, a serving (56 grams) of whole wheat pasta contains 180 calories , 39 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of protein, 7 grams of fiber and minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc. Now, the same serving of regular pasta contains 200 calories , 42 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, and a little iron, but no magnesium or zinc.

Benefits of whole wheat pasta

Consuming whole wheat pasta , instead of white, offers some important benefits that we will describe in this section.

Provides fewer calories

This variant does not contain fat , which allows it to have fewer calories than traditional pasta. In this way, you can eat more without worrying about how it will influence your line later.

Improves digestion

Among its compounds is bran , which improves intestinal transit, preventing constipation. We will feel more comfortable and we will eliminate that feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Healthy source of energy

Wholegrain pasta is still a source of carbohydrates , making it an energy-boosting food.

Provides various nutrients

It has significant amounts of vitamin E, antioxidants, fiber, proteins and entirely healthy fats. Your body will appreciate these types of supplements that will make you feel stronger and with iron health .

Reduces the risk of disease

Frequent consumption of cooked whole wheat pasta can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type II diabetes, and stomach problems.

In spite of everything, knowing these benefits cannot be an excuse to ingest it every day. Always remember that pasta should not be eaten excessively . Likewise, no matter how healthy it is, it is not recommended to accompany it with sauces that contain fat, we would thus reduce all its properties. Likewise, it should be noted that not only whole wheat pasta provides health benefits, but also any other whole flour food, such as bread.

Is normal pasta inadvisable?

Taking into account all the above, it seems clear that we should put the normal pasta aside and bet on the integral one, but it is not like that. Many people do not like the latter, therefore, they can consume the traditional one in a healthy way taking into account some requirements. Among them are to control the portions and combine them with healthy foods, for example, vegetables, which are essential in any healthy diet .

Finally, note that despite its benefits, whole wheat pasta can pose a problem if you are reloading carbohydrates before a race. In that case, its added fiber content could end up upsetting your stomach and causing gastrointestinal pain.