What type of diet to define the abs is more recommended?

Exercising does not guarantee a flat, well-toned stomach. Eating a good diet is the basis to ensure that fat does not accumulate in that area and to be able to show off good abs. Then the sport will do the rest. But what should a diet look like to define your abs and make them look nice and strong ?

Diet to define abs

Increase protein intake

Muscle definition is based on three essential components: increase in muscle mass, preservation of created muscles and a proper diet . And proteins are essential to be able to increase muscle mass. A priori, a person should eat between 1.8 and 2.3 grams of protein per kilo of body weight per day to define the muscles, including abdominals.

However, this does not mean that just any protein is ideal. It is best to choose foods high in protein and low in fat, such as beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy products. If these foods are combined with vegetables, it will be much easier to achieve the increase in muscle mass.

Cut carbs

When you want to get nice and strong abs, in addition to diet, physical exercise is key and carbohydrates are a kind of fuel for training . However, they must be consumed in a moderate and reduced way . Since the goal is to burn fat, the body will turn to it when carbohydrate stores are empty. But this does not mean that they should be totally eliminated from the diet. In fact, the ideal would be to consume between 1 and 1.5 grams per kilo of body weight per day.

Whole grain products, oatmeal flakes and rice provide a lot of energy and are very satiating, so they are the best options.

reducir los carbohidratos es importante en una dieta para definir los abdominales

Before and after training

Before training , about an hour before starting the activity, you can make a meal that combines carbohydrates and protein. The ideal amounts would be between 50 and 100 grams of carbohydrates and between 20 and 30 grams of protein .

At the end of physical activity , about 60 to 90 minutes later, it is recommended to consume simple and fast-acting carbohydrates with about 50 grams of protein . We would be talking, for example, of rolled oats, wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta or potatoes with a little meat, low-fat fish or egg white.

Choose fats well

The body also needs fats, but you have to choose the right ones. In fact, the body needs three macronutrients on a daily basis: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Just as carbohydrates can be produced by the body by burning stored fat, the other two macronutrients cannot, so they have to be included in the diet yes or yes.

To define muscle, healthy fats are needed, which are those that come from oils of vegetable origin, such as flax and olive; from fish, such as cod and salmon; avocado and walnuts.

Fruits and vegetables are essential

In no diet you can do without fruits and vegetables because they are the basis of a healthy diet. Both before and after a workout there must be a serving of fruit or vegetables, which can be consumed whole or as a smoothie or juice.

Control calories

In a diet to define the abs, you have to consume fewer calories than are expended until you achieve the goal. This is the only way to lose the fat that has been accumulating in some areas of the body, especially the abdominal area. Of course, do not obsess. Counting the calories of absolutely everything that has been eaten can cause a lot of stress.

Foods on a diet to define your abs and make them look nice and strong

The rush and lack of organization mean that many days you opt for fast foods that provide few nutrients, many fats and many calories. This type of food is what makes fat accumulate in areas such as the abdomen. Therefore, the first thing to do to get a good abs is a table with all the meals of the week . In this way it is easier to eliminate “bad” products and the diet is more varied, balanced and healthy.

Essential foods

  • Almonds and walnuts and dried fruits with skin : they are rich in vegetable fats and contain a lot of protein and fiber.
  • Legumes : they have proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. Legumes repair muscles, help burn fat and regulate digestion.
  • Vegetables : some vegetables such as red pepper, carrot, eggplant or red onion contain vitamins A and C, folic acid and minerals such as potassium, which help eliminate fluids. Spinach and green vegetables prevent obesity.
  • Extra virgin olive oil and avocados : reduce cholesterol and boost the immune system.
  • Oats : provide a lot of energy and contain fiber.
  • Whole grains and wholemeal bread : prevent the storage of fat in the body.
  • Fruit : strawberries, oranges, blackberries or blueberries are some of the fruits rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, anthocyanins and powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidants that also have a lot of fiber, improve digestion and have a diuretic effect.
  • Eggs : help build muscle, make it easier to burn fat, and contrary to what some people think, they are not bad.
  • Dairy : strengthen bones and promote weight loss.
  • Turkey and lean meats : strengthen muscle mass and the immune system.
  • Whey protein : helps in muscle growth and reduces the level of fat.
  • Water, infusions and coffee : drinking between 1.5 and 2 liters of water on a daily basis helps to eliminate fluids. Teas and coffee, which contain both caffeine and caffeine, help burn fat.
Los huevos facilitan la quema de grasas

Food not recommended

Now comes the most complicated part, that of the foods that are not recommended or prohibited:

  • Carbonated drinks : in addition to causing gas, as they contain large amounts of refined sugar, they are responsible for weight gain, heart disease, tooth decay and even osteoporosis.
  • Gum and candy : they produce gas, bloating and diarrhea.
  • Refined carbohydrates : as they contain very little fiber, they are digested very easily and this causes you to eat in excess.
  • Hydrogenated or trans fatty acids : increases LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and the amount of triglycerides in the blood.
  • Refined flours : they are not very satiating, increase blood glucose levels and are high in calories.
  • Refined sugar : causes weight gain, does not satiate and is the cause of diseases such as diabetes, tooth decay or pancreatic cancer.
Los caramelos dañan el estómago

After listing the must-have and non-recommended foods, the conclusions are obvious. To show off strong and beautiful abs there is no written diet that must be followed strictly . You just have to eat a healthy, varied and balanced diet . As for non-recommended foods, they can be consumed but very sporadically.

Other tips to keep in mind during a diet to define the abs

Although the type of diet is important to prevent fat from accumulating in certain areas, sport can also help. In fact, many experts believe that physical exercise can be decisive by up to 50% . Within the diet to define the abs and achieve perfect ones, an active life and nothing sedentary should be included. Within this activity you have to do exercises to tone the belly. Like the abdominals , which consist of lying on your back with your legs bent and bringing your chest closer to your knees. It is also very good to do the plank , that to do it you have to lie on your stomach, support your forearms and the tips of your feet on the ground and keep your body in the air. Or the active stride (lounge) , which to do this exercise you have to spread your legs shoulder-width apart, place one leg in front and the other behind. From this position, both legs have to be bent and form a 90º angle.

The above exercises are used to work the abdominal part, but it is important to include activities in which all the muscles participate , such as cardio exercises . A Zumba class, running or cycling would fall into this group.

El pilates tiene muchos beneficios

Pilates is also very good for toning the belly, it also serves to achieve more resistance, correct postures and obtain greater performance in any other sport. With all this we mean that there is no miraculous diet to get nice and strong abs, but there are healthy habits that help to achieve them.