What is self-care and why is it so important to your well-being?

Self-care is in fashion: social media influencers talk about it on a recurring basis, articles and self-help books are published about it, and tricks and tips are mentioned in friends’ circles that refer to this tool to build our well-being physical and emotional . But what is self-care really? Despite having heard about them, maybe you still don’t have a clear idea of how you are supposed to integrate them into your life, or they may not even have crossed your path. In any case, in this article we tell you what self-care is and why you should start including it in your routine .

What is self-care?

“Self-care” is a broad term that encompasses almost any behavior or action that a person takes to feel good about themselves and improve their physical and mental health . A good way to summarize what self-care is more specifically would be to say that it consists of taking the time to pamper your body and mind and improve your self-esteem.

In addition, it also implies including elements such as gratitude and the ability to have compassion with oneself so that we can ” forgive” ourselves for those times that we do not meet the expectations that we set for ourselves and accept ourselves as we are, enjoying the present moment.

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However, it is important to note that not everything that makes us feel good is self-care , and that there are many forms of self-care that can cost us more (for example, playing sports frequently). We can all be tempted to use avoidance mechanisms such as drugs, alcohol, or binge eating because they offer temporary relief, but in the long term they are self-destructive and do not help us.

The difference between being carried away by addictions and self-care is that the latter are always good for your body and mind , both in the long term and in the short term.

Examples of self-care

There are many different self-care practices , and none of them are especially difficult or require a lot of planning. The trick is to find one that you really enjoy and that fits with your life and values, that forces you to relax for a few minutes and dedicate time exclusively to yourself , and that helps you improve in any (or all) of these areas: physical , emotional, spiritual and social. Some examples are:

  • Dance to the rhythm of your favorite song
  • Sitting down to read a book for pleasure by the fireplace
  • Go for a walk after a rainy afternoon to enjoy the smell
  • Take a relaxing bath while listening to music
  • Go get a massage or get a beauty treatment at home
  • Meditate or practice mindfulness for 10 minutes
  • Take a nap (or just rest) for 15 minutes
  • Keep a gratitude journal and write down the good things from day to day
  • Learn to say NO to toxic people or plans you don’t feel like
  • Calling a distant friend or family member you miss
  • Sign up for class or join a group that has the same interests as you (dance, painting, photography, hiking, traveling …)

Benefits of self-care

Once we know what self-care is, we will delve into the benefits it brings to physical and mental health.

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Higher productivity

When you learn to say “no” to the things that overwhelm you and start making time for yourself and the things that really matter to you, you slow down life in a wonderful way. This makes your goals clearer and helps you focus on what you are doing .

Increase your defenses

There is evidence that most self-care activities activate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). What this means is that your body goes into a mode of rest and rejuvenation, helping it to strengthen its immune system .

Better physical health

With better self-care, stress is reduced and the immune system strengthened, so there are often fewer colds, flu and upset stomachs .

Increased self-esteem and self-knowledge

When you regularly take time to be good for yourself and meet your own needs, a positive message is sent to the subconscious because you treat yourself as if you are important and valuable. This can go a long way toward discouraging negative complacency and your critical inner voice . Also, the exercise of finding out what makes you feel passionate and inspired can help you understand yourself much better and be happier with yourself .