What is neutral pH and why should you take care of it?

There are two moments in life when you are interested in neutral pH: when you get a tattoo and when you have skin problems. There are cosmetic products that focus on pH, but almost none stop to notice this fact. We go to the next line to continue reading the rest of the ingredients and completely ignore their content. It is time for this to end. There was a time, when you were in high school, that you had to learn in chemistry what this substance meant. Since we know you don't remember it, today we tell you the most important thing (and what you should never forget again).

What is pH?

I don't intend to teach a chemistry class, so don't worry because it will be easy to understand. PH stands for hydrogen potential. That is, we are facing the acid-basic relationship of a substance. The greater the amount of hydrogen ions, the greater the amount of acid and the lower the pH. There is a scale between 0 and 14 to know if a substance is alkaline (it has a high pH) or acidic (it has a low pH). The neutral pH is at 7, which is just the mean value. If the number is below this number, there will be more alkalinity. However, as each organism is a world, a neutral pH is not always at 7.

ph neutro

Having a good pH level is essential to show healthy skin and prevent aging prematurely.

Our natural skin is acidic, its levels are usually in 5-6. However, research has shown that natural, untreated skin is typically 4.7. That acidic layer of the skin is a natural barrier, made up of lactic acids, amino acids and sebum. These substances make the skin retain moisture, avoid being damaged by UV rays, prevent us from germs and reduce irritations by cosmetics on the skin. It is really difficult to know what the pH balance is in your skin, but you can notice it by some signs.

How to know if there are imbalances?

Having inflamed, dry, irritated or overly sensitive skin could be the clear example that you are having a rise in pH. Alkalinity reduces the protective properties on the skin, favoring the appearance of wrinkles or premature aging.

When the pH of the skin is low (too acidic), it usually manifests itself through redness, irritation, oil or the appearance of acne. There are many acid-based skin products that can improve acne, but abusing their use can promote the removal of the protective barrier and leave skin hypersensitive and irritated.

Having a normal pH makes the skin look soft, hydrated and relaxed. Also, it does not become sensitive to the products that take care of your dermis when you use them daily.

Tips to have an adequate neutral pH

It will seem striking, but even the water in which you shower can affect your pH, especially that of the scalp. Experts recommend using non-alkaline or mineral water. To achieve this, we could do with a water softener , in the event that your skin or hair is very dry.

On the other hand, we find some gels or shampoos with bleach among its ingredients. This means that it would make our skin very alkaline, drying it out a lot and favoring the appearance of chemical burns. You should also look at the content of sulfates and parabens. My advice is to opt for moisturizing cleansers, with alpha or beta hydroxyl acid, to help maintain correct acid levels.

What about tonics ? In addition to leaving a clean feeling, tonics are ideal for balancing pH. As with micellar water , they contain specific ingredients to improve acne and calm the skin.