What is hypertension? Causes, symptoms and tips

Pressure or blood pressure is as its name indicates the pressure that the heart exerts on the arteries to be able to deliver the blood to all the organs. This should have a calm and steady pace. At the moment in which it exceeds the frequency considered normal, we would be talking about arterial hypertension. If, on the other hand, the rhythm is lower than established, it would be arterial hypotension. These normal values are 120-129 mmHg for the systolic pressure known as the maximum and about 80-84 mmHg for the diastolic or minimum.

It is no longer necessary to go to the pharmacy or the health center to check the status of blood pressure. Nowadays, the possibility of knowing how these levels are found thanks to digital blood pressure monitors is already within the reach of anyone. Having one at home will always help to have tension problems more under control.

Remember that maintaining a healthy weight and doing physical exercise such as walking daily and regularly prevents health problems such as hypertension.

In this article we are going to focus on hypertension, on knowing what are the possible causes of high blood pressure and what foods will be good for you to include or eliminate from the diet for hypertension.

Causes and types of hypertension

Hypertension is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease. Still, there are no specific causes that are identified as triggers of hypertension.

There are two types:

  • On the one hand is the one suffered by the vast majority of people who have high blood pressure known as primary or essential. With unknown causes.
  • And in a small percentage there are what is known as secondary hypertension. Due to other problems that are suffered such as kidney, cardiovascular or hormonal diseases.

There are risk factors that can cause your blood pressure to rise. With some of these factors, nothing can be done as with:

  • Sex: Men are more prone to hypertension than women. At least until the time of menopause. Once the period is withdrawn in women, the percentage of men and women to suffer from hypertension becomes a little more equal.
  • Age: More common in the elderly.
  • Race: Blacks have a higher risk of hypertension than whites.
  • Genetics: The hereditary factor is another for which we cannot do anything either. If there are people with hypertension in your family, you will be more likely to suffer from it as well.

On the other hand, there are the factors by which we can do something to prevent blood pressure from rising:

  • Overweight: obesity does not bring anything good. An excess of body fat will complicate the proper functioning of the body.
  • Alcohol and drugs: excessive alcohol consumption as well as smoking or taking cocaine (even in small amounts) or other drugs will raise the tension. Ingesting them makes the heart beat faster and has to pump more blood.
  • Stress: Stress and anxiety states are among the triggers of hypertension.
  • Bad eating habits: An excessive consumption of salt, drinking little water, not taking adequate potassium, fats and products of animal origin reign in the diet.
  • Sedentary life: lack of physical activity.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

Hypertension is actually known as the silent disease. This is because there are no clear symptoms when suffering it. They are usually diagnosed in routine check-ups or check-ups.

However, there are people who may notice headaches, blurred vision, nausea or even vomiting. But this is usually due to a sudden and sharp rise in blood pressure.

The best thing is that if you suffer any of the aforementioned factors or you think that you may have high blood pressure for whatever reason is that you take the pressure on a regular basis to have control over it.

We are going to make a small mention of those people who suffer from what is known as white coat syndrome. Certain people do not really have high blood pressure, but it is at the time they are going to take it to the doctor or the pharmacy that they enter a state of nervousness, anxiety and stress that causes the pressure values to rise.

Diet to control high blood pressure

alimentos para mejorar la hipertensión

The most important thing in the diet for hypertension is the consumption of salt. We must eliminate the presence of this mineral from our diet and take special care with the “hidden” salt in food. As a general rule, the diet that is eaten today is excessive in salt.

Precisely because of the great hidden salt values that can be included in their composition in prepared and precooked foods, sachet soups, bouillon tablets, flavor enhancers and others, all these types of foods must be definitively excluded from the diet.

Consume skimmed or semi-skimmed dairy daily. Eliminating the whole as well as the cheeses, both cured and the cheeses of portions or slices.

Take fresh fruits and vegetables daily. They must be present at all main meals. The contribution of vitamins and antioxidants contribute to a good condition of the arterial walls. Canned vegetables as well as fruits in syrup should be eliminated.

Consume both protein of plant and animal origin. As meats, lean towards the less fat, such as chicken or turkey white meats. Avoid fats and sausages. From fish, salted, smoked and preserved fish must be eliminated.

Control the consumption of bread. If you like it a lot and you consume it a lot it will be better to change it for bread without salt.

Do not use commercial sauces. Use olive oil for seasoning and cooking.

Drink 1.5 liters of water daily. Control the consumption of coffee or tea, do not drink more than one a day.

Avoid pastries, snacks, potato chips and foods of this type.

Other tips

Some other recommendations to keep in mind are:

  • Reach a healthy weight if you are overweight.
  • Stop smoking , reduce excess alcohol or drugs.
  • Cook in a healthy way such as baked, steamed, cooked …
  • Read well the labels of all products to control their salt content .

Maintain a daily physical activity.