What is autophagy and why is it related to fasting?

For some time, fasting has become quite fashionable, both for trying to lose weight and to fit meals into this workday. Autophagy is a regenerative process that occurs in our body and can be related to weight loss and anti-aging.

What is autophagy?

In 2016, Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize for research on the operation of autophagy. This process is a natural mechanism of regeneration at the cellular level, which also reduces the possibility of suffering from certain diseases and lengthens life expectancy.


In 1960 it was the first time that autophagy was identified, but it really went unnoticed until the 1990s. Its name derives from the Greek and refers to the function of "eating itself"; that is, the process in which the cells of the body are recycled with their own components.
They ensure that this mechanism provides our body with fuel to generate energy and renew cells. So cells use autophagy to remove proteins that are damaged or have a different structure in the cytoplasm.

For example, when we have an infection, autophagy can eliminate the virus or bacteria.

And you're wondering what autophagy has to do with food and well-being, right? Well, some experts say that this process can be caused naturally through fasting, high-intensity physical activity and the reduction of carbohydrates in the diet.

What are its benefits?

During the evolution of the human being, you have gone through different stages of hunger that have activated autophagy. Currently, most experts argue that we eat about five times a day, so this process only happens at night.

There are several studies that ensure that autophagy is capable of:

  • Strengthen the immune system . When we are sick, it is normal that we are not hungry, right? This is because your body better fights invading viruses or bacteria.
  • Prevent neurodegenerative diseases and reduce the collection of proteins damaged by the nervous system.
  • Help fight cancer . Autophagy strengthens healthy cells and replaces bad ones, making it harder for cancer cells to become resistant.
  • Help longevity .
  • Prevent type II diabetes and ensure the proper functioning of the pancreas.

To notice these benefits, it is not necessary to fast for a long time. You just have to lengthen the time you spend without eating at night.