What are compound exercises and why are they the best?

Compound exercises are those whose execution involves at least two muscle groups. They are also often called multi-joint exercises, because, unlike isolation exercises, they require the movement of several joints.

These exercises are highly effective and, therefore, are usually the basis of a large number of classic training routines. The bench press , squat or deadlift are examples of these types of exercises, but there are many more.

Compound exercises

Compound exercises can be done from two well-defined perspectives. Good to work large muscle masses, or as a combination of two different exercises.

Working parts such as the pectorals, the back or the legs involves the action of other smaller muscles . For example, when we train the back, we also engage the triceps. Another example can be squats, in which both the legs and the abdomen or the lower back act. They are compound movements in which a wide muscle area and several joints participate.

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Another possibility that supports this kind of exercises is the combination of two of them. Thus, although with less weight, combinations can be performed in which two completely different muscle groups are worked. An example of this type of exercise could be the squat with the shoulder press , a completely differentiated group of muscles, together with the leg curl.

Because they are the best?

There are many characteristics that make compound exercises such an effective workout. Although one of their main attractions is that they allow training in much shorter sessions , the effects on our body are quite impressive.

Advantages of compound exercises

  • In this type of exercise, several muscles are always involved, which translates into the application of a greater quantity strength to lift weight. For example, we don’t have the same strength in the bench press as we do in the bicep curl. The degree of stimulation that we bring to our tissues is much more intense.
  • By involving more muscles in each series and each repetition, our body requires a greater caloric intake. In this way our metabolism is accelerated considerably.
  • Compound exercises guarantee us a great development of strength and gain in muscle mass . Something very important when we have only been in the gym for a few weeks.
  • In addition to being excellent exercises to build strength, they can be used in high intensity circuits to reinforce resistance to fatigue . To do this, you just have to increase the number of repetitions, reducing their weight.
  • With these exercises we also get our muscle mass to develop in a symmetrical and homogeneous way.
  • Compound exercises have a great impact on coordination, flexibility and balance, helping to achieve a better state of shape.
  • Although a certain technique is required to perform them, they are much less harmful than other training methods.

When should compound exercises be done?

This is something that depends a lot on your goals and your personal routine . However, at the beginning of it it is more than advisable to perform compound exercises such as squats, chin-ups or any press . In this way, the isolated exercises can be left for last, since their execution requires less energy.