The truth about 9 myths related to diet and exercise

Endless myths have been built around exercise and diet. Some based on workouts and diets that no longer work, and others created by the personal opinion of one or more people and that do not have any scientific basis to support them.

Despite this, many people firmly believe in these myths and build their exercise and eating habits based on them. Due to this, they may be making some mistakes that are preventing them from reaching their physical goals.

Learn about some of the myths about exercise and dieting that could slow your progress.

Mitos relacionados con el ejercicio físico

9 myths about exercise and diet

1. Running is the only way to lose weight

Running is a great cardiovascular exercise, but it may not work for everyone. In fact, other exercises, such as lifting weights, can burn more calories in a 24-hour period, as strength training can boost your metabolism for up to 48 hours after you stop exercising.

Also, if you like to do cardio but don't really enjoy running, you can try swimming, riding a bike, or using an elliptical machine. All of these activities can cause you to lose weight.

Correr no es la única manera de adelgazar

2. Men and women cannot train together

Weight training or cardio workouts are great and effective for both genders. You just need to adjust the weight or distance without changing the exercise. In fact, women could benefit from exercises performed mostly by men, such as squats and deadlifts. Men, in turn, can benefit from exercises popularly considered more "feminine" such as yoga or Pilates.

It is obvious that women and men have different thresholds for strength and endurance, but that is not an impediment to perform mixed exercises.

Having a training partner, even if he does other exercises, can be the necessary motivation for your days of discouragement. Evaluate your goals and schedules and adjust your workouts so that you can both do them together.

Beneficios de hacer ejercicio con tu pareja

3. Avoiding carbohydrates is healthy

Not eating carbohydrates can make you weak and more irritable. The ideal is to watch what carbohydrates you eat and when you do it, not eliminate them completely.

Whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and minimally processed grains are good examples of carbohydrates that you can eat frequently without worrying about your weight.

mitos de los carbohidratos

4. If you are injured, you cannot train

Everything will depend on the severity of the injury. If this is on your back or head, your doctor should determine when you can resume training. However, if it is a minor injury (a minor sprain or tear, for example) take at least 15 minutes of your time to modify your routine.

An injury can make you depressed or discouraged , and exercise releases endorphins that will keep your mood high to keep you motivated.

If you cannot move that part of your body while you recover, it is more advisable to do some exercise than to do nothing at all.

Cómo hacer ejercicio si estás lesionado

5. Detox diets are healthy

Science has shown that the kidneys and liver are well suited to breaking down toxicity in the body. Thinking that a combination of laxative tea, lemon, syrup, pepper, and salt water will "detoxify" your body and help you lose weight permanently is not only wrong, it can ultimately backfire.

Mitos sobres las dietas detox

6. Exercising in the morning is more effective

Unless you are a professional or high impact athlete and need to do training sessions more than once a day, the time does not matter. What really matters is finding a time where you can train consistently.

Listen to your body and decide if you perform better in the morning, in the afternoon or at night. Energy and attitude are key to productivity in the gym, so detect the times when you have the most energy and attend when you feel strongest.

No hay una hora mejor que otra para entrenar

7. Training on an empty stomach burns more calories

Training in the gym on an empty stomach will not affect the number of calories you burn. You do not necessarily need to eat before going to the gym, but at least a small snack is recommended before starting.

If you are a breakfast fan, ideally wait two to three hours before training to maximize calorie burn and get the energy you need from what you eat.

Evaluate the type of training you will do (weights or cardiovascular exercises) and eat according to the amount of energy you will need, the time you wake up and when you will begin to execute your training routine.

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8. All fats are fattening

Lean fats support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune and nervous systems. It also helps keep your body lean and consistently burn fat. That's right: Lean fats burn fat .

Their main function is the production of prostaglandins that control body functions such as blood clotting, fertility, heart rate, and blood pressure. It also helps immune function by regulating inflammation and helping the body fight infection.

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9. Kettlebells are for everyone

Kettlebells are basically used to practice modified Olympic lifts. Therefore, if you do not have practice with this type of training, it is better not to use large kettlebells.

Kettlebells or kettlebells are great for cardio exercises and strength training; However, if you don't have much previous weight training experience or injury, it is more reasonable to build your strength with functional weight training.

Progression is the key with kettlebells, and using the correct weight for what level you are at can prevent disaster.

Cómo entrenar con kettlebells


  • Sedano, S. (2019). The Truth Behind 20 Diet and Exercise Myths. For Livestrong [Reviewed May 2019].