The 2020 fitness trend that Pilates lovers will love

There are only a few days left to finish a year full of training exercises and you still haven't found the perfect fitness routine for you. But do not despair, 2020 brings with it a trend that will surprise any lover of physical activity. It's about the megaformers , a new way to tone your muscles, burn calories and do cardio work at the same time in one device.

Unlike traditional Pilates reformers, megaformers impose a much more intense workout. All the celebrities of the moment are taking the opportunity to transform their exercise routine with this new machine. So do not miss this opportunity and try this fitness trend that Pilates lovers will love .

El megaformer, la nueva tendencia para 2020

What is a megaformer?

The creator of the megaformer, Sebastien Lagree, designed this machine with the purpose of using it in training methods that would tone the entire body in an alternative way. Its proportions are approximately 3 meters long by 1.5 meters wide and it has a cart with wheels in the middle of two platforms that serve as support. It uses a system of springs and pulleys, with the help of your body, to create some resistance, which is safe for your joints and back.

In addition, this type of machine has a variety of handlebars and cables that allow the execution of different exercises. Thanks to this mechanism, each individual can adapt and make modifications to their training depending on their level of experience or past with injuries.

What really strikes most of the public is that you can exercise your whole body with the movements on the megaformer , which greatly benefits people who want a good figure.

¿Cómo funciona un megaformer?

Megaformer vs. Pilates reformer

Although at first glance you can notice similarities between one and the other, the megaformer and the pilates reformer are two separate and different entities that use different machines.

Both share the trolley system with wheels, handlebars and straps but differ in other things such as the size of the megaformer , much larger than its competitor, and the weight of the structure, also lighter in the megaformer.

On the other hand, the meformer has the possibility of being easily adjusted to the needs of each individual and special exercises, since with its short handles on the back it has more versatility.

What to expect in a megaformer class?

Before you introduce yourself to a megaformer class, you should know that they normally last 45 to 55 minutes and are popular for their moderate / high training intensity. The purpose of the class is to focus on training a specific group of muscles, and not move on to another until you are tired. Most trainers prefer to start with exercises that involve the lower body and work their way up throughout the session.

Another issue to take into account is the time with which the exercises are counted: 4 entry times and 4 exit times in each one. This is done with the goal of testing resistance in each movement and not about who can lift the most weight or repeat an exercise more times.

Slow, controlled movements are used during a class of this type, which help your joints stay secure and stimulate the muscle fibers as well as the connective tissues. Also, this slowness promotes the burning of fat in the body.

The reason so many people stick to these classes so much is because none are the same: they always innovate and try new exercises without compromising the quality of the training. Of course, over time your body will become more resistant, but that does not mean that it will be easier.

Qué esperar de una clase de entrenamiento en megaformer

Tips to improve your training in megaformer

If you've never attended a megaformer class, here are some tips to get you off on the right foot.

  • Arrive 15 minutes before class to familiarize yourself with the place, the people, and the machine.
  • Wear socks with rubber points on the sole: they are used to prevent you from slipping and suffering injuries.
  • Take a few minutes to clear your mind as soon as you arrive at the studio, as these sessions require a strong connection between body and mind.
  • Focus on balance and listening to the coach's instructions.
  • Adapt the exercises to your limitations and don't overexert your body if it can't handle it.
Beneficios de hacer ejercicio en un Megaformer

Common exercises in megaformer

To get the full benefits of the megaformer, do some of these exercises, although it is always best to learn them from a trainer and see them in person to perform them accurately.

  • Wheelbarrow: start by positioning yourself on your hands and knees. Then use your shoulders and arms to move the car back and forth. This exercise is great for your posture and abs.
  • French Twist: It is designed to strengthen your core and torso.
  • Big Lunge – An exercise focused on the legs, benefits the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.
Ejercicios en megaformer que puedes probar


  • Sara, L. Everything You Need to Know About the Megaformer, the Breakout Workout of 2020. For Livestrong. [Revised December 2019].