Open wrist, why it occurs and how to reduce its effects

Surely, more than once your wrists have hurt and you have not been able to move it as usual. On these occasions, training is continued, but it is best to rest and rest, since it is an injury that must be healed. Actually, what occurs when we say that we have an open wrist is a sprain .

This pain is characterized by a discomfort that appears, initially mild but then increases until you cannot move it easily. Usually when you sit is when you move your wrist from side to side. Sometimes the pain is little and no attention is paid to it. But it is always advisable to give it the real importance, since it can end up not being treated and therefore, continue with the injury for a long time.

Why is an open wrist produced?

Wrist sprains appear from overstretching the ligaments that make up the wrist. The situations that can cause it are different. Falls, sports, work, etc. Therefore, it is essential to know how to identify and treat it before the injury becomes complicated.

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How to reduce the effects of the open wrist?

At first, what should be done is to leave the wrist immobile and apply cold to the affected part so that the inflammation is reduced, as well as the pain produced. The best way to prevent blood pooling and bruising is to raise your arm and move only the fingers of your hand.

What is the treatment to improve?

When the momentary pain is overcome, it is important to perform a treatment with a set of tasks that will help us to return the area to its normal state. Immobilizing the wrist is not the best solution, since the stimulation will come thanks to simple massages that are done in the palm of the hand so that the circulation in the area improves.

If the pain is not much, it is best to do movements up and down . The movements cannot be sudden or cause overexertion.

If the pain is very strong and even with the treatment it does not improve, it is best to go to a physiotherapist who will apply an improved treatment.

The important thing is to avoid these injuries with the appropriate prevention measures, both at work, sport and in the tasks of daily life, avoiding blows and rough movements.