Do herbal teas really work?

Some nights, sleep can come to you easily. But other times, you find yourself staring at the ceiling for hours and hours, desperate to get some sleep. Whether you're up for a night workout or just can't relax your busy mind, nights like these could get you looking for any type of sleep aid.

A natural option to consider, one that many people swear to help them fall asleep, is herbal teas. But drinking them, or other similar teas before bed, really works to make us sleepy, and what do the ingredients have that make these teas a beneficial addition to your nighttime routine?

taza de infusiones para dormir

What are sleeping teas?

Teas and infusions are generally marketed as bedtime teas and are based on calming ingredients, such as chamomile, which is known to calm the nervous system. They work by modifying certain neurotransmitters that are involved in sleep. Lavender, which has a calming and relaxing scent, is also commonly included.

Other ingredients found in sleepy teas include valerian root , passionflower, lemon balm , spearmint, and lemongrass .

Are they really sleepy?

Chamomile has also been studied for its sleep-inducing effect. Its calming effects are attributed to the antioxidant in chamomile tea called apigenin.

A short-term randomized control trial of 40 healthy adults found that those who drank a daily sleep infusion (with standardized extracts of valerian root and passionflower) for one week reported better sleep quality than those who did not drink tea. And while science can support the ingredients, it can also be just the act of drinking tea itself that induces sleep. For many people, the ritual of drinking tea is relaxing, and as a result can cause drowsiness.

It can also be a great way to decompress after an overnight workout. A cardio session at night increases your heart rate and releases endorphins, making it difficult to relax at night, possibly derailing your sleep. Having a tea for sleep afterward can help calm you down so you can fall asleep.

Keep in mind that to make the most of your tea, time is of the essence. The longer you let the infusion stand, the stronger it will be . I suggest soaking it for up to five minutes before drinking it.

taza de infusiones para dormir

How long in advance do you have to take them?

You should try to drink enough time to go to the bathroom before bed to keep your sleep uninterrupted.

Ideally, stop drinking liquids at least an hour or two before bed to avoid having to go to the bathroom at midnight. It is a great way to start your relaxation routine after dinner.

Are there other teas that will help you sleep?

A general chamomile or lavender tea that is not necessarily advertised as a bedtime tea, and may also work to trigger some sleep.

Although the evidence is limited, the soothing scent that comes from a hot cup of freshly made lavender tea may help you relax before bed. Just make sure your tea doesn't contain caffeine .

If you're going to enjoy a hot, caffeine-free tea before bed, the best ones are chamomile-based or relaxing flavor combinations like honey lavender or mint . Also, sour cherry juice is known to help with sleep as it contains natural melatonin, a sleep hormone, and can also help with recovery.

Are there any risks or side effects?

In general, drinking these teas regularly before bed is safe. Although chamomile is on the FDA's generally recognized as safe ingredient list, some people may experience some side effects. And, there are certain teas or ingredients that you can avoid if you are taking certain medications, so it is best to consult your doctor.

Some allergies have been reported in some people to some ingredients in herbal teas, such as chamomile. Also, pregnant and lactating women, and those with low blood pressure may be more prone to risks and side effects and should definitely consult a doctor.

A particular ingredient, valerian, can also cause some unwanted side effects. Some studies have found that this herb can cause headaches, dizziness, and an upset stomach.