Can taking zinc shorten the duration of colds?

The best option is to avoid a cold altogether, but if you do fall into one, it's best to get over it quickly. It has always been said that a cold lasts seven days without taking anything or a week on medication. That is, the same. However, zinc is an essential trace element, symptoms may be reduced as soon as possible.

There are some evidence-based studies that suggest that zinc supplements might be helpful in fighting a cold. It's all a matter of time: Taking supplements on the first day of a cold can reduce both the duration of the cold and the severity of symptoms overall, according to a November 2011 meta-analysis of 13 randomized trials in The Journal of Family Practice.

pastillas de zinc en un bote

But why does this mineral shorten the cold and relieve symptoms? The mineral can help prevent the virus responsible for colds, rhinovirus, from getting comfortable and multiplying in the upper respiratory system.

How much zinc should you take for a cold?

Taking pills of this mineral can help triple the rate of recovery from a cold, according to an April 2017 meta-analysis published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases. If you have a cold and want to add more zinc, it is recommended to take it in pill form (10 to 20 milligrams) for three to seven days.

The recommended daily allowance of 11 milligrams for men and 8 milligrams for women , according to health professionals. The RDA for pregnant or lactating people increases to 11 and 12 milligrams, respectively. The upper limit for zinc is 40 milligrams for adults.

Note that in the meta-analysis, it was a dose of 80 to 92 milligrams per day that led to better recovery rates from colds; which is significantly above the recommended upper limit. So more research would be needed to establish the most effective dose of zinc.

Although this mineral can help reduce the symptoms and duration of a cold, this is a supplement that should not be overstated. You must be very careful when adding zinc in supplement form to ensure you are not consuming too much. If this happens, you will prevent the absorption of copper , another essential element.

Also, too much can cause gastrointestinal problems . The taste of zinc supplements can be metallic and unpleasant, and can cause nausea.

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Zinc lozenges or nasal sterilization: which is better?

Sucking on a zinc lozenge increases the level of this mineral in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract; that's where the rhinovirus lurks when you have a cold. A syrup can also cause the same effect of staying in the throat, where the rhinovirus lives.

Make sure to stay away from zinc nasal sprays ; there are reports of people losing their sense of smell and taste due to these.
You'll also want to avoid zinc supplements that include citric acid, which can interfere with zinc absorption, according to the Open Forum Infectious Diseases meta-analysis. Vitamin C , or ascorbic acid, does work well, according to a 2012 study in the Journal of International Medical Research.

Taking vitamins and cold medications together can be tricky, so ask your doctor if you are taking any other medications that may interfere. Zinc can bind with the drug in the stomach and form complexes, making it difficult for the body to absorb the drug. Interactions can occur with thyroid medications , as well as with certain antibiotics .

When you take supplements that contain this mineral, it is important that you consider a separation of the time you take the supplement from the time you take the medications of 2 to 4 hours to avoid this interaction.

Best Zinc Supplements on Amazon

If you're looking for a supplement to buy before your next cold, here are some recommended options that you can find on Amazon.

  • Vegan Zinc Gluconate Pills from WeightWorld, € 12.99 .
  • Nature's Way zinc lozenges,13.51 .
  • Gloryfeel vegan liquid zinc, € 15.97 .