Turnip, an ally in the kitchen

Surely more than once we have wondered if eating turnip is good or bad, and the truth is that it is a vegetable full of important properties, especially with regard to the digestive process, weight loss and hydration of the body . It is true that it is not the most nutrient-rich vegetable, but it is important to know it thoroughly and learn how to introduce it into the daily or weekly diet.

The leading vegetable in this text gives a lot to talk about, especially with double meanings, but we are not here to make jokes, we are here to report on a very versatile vegetable that can give a certain game in the kitchen. Although in recent times its consumption has dropped significantly and has been replaced by potatoes.

We are going to know the nutritional values of the turnip, and then we are going to know how much is recommended per day and some ideas to introduce it in our dishes beyond salads or specific stews. Later we will know its main benefits and some of its contraindications, but don’t worry, the turnip is not toxic and can be eaten calmly, but it is convenient to know who should not.

Turnip nutritional values

The turnip is not particularly nutritious, but it is balanced values per 100 grams of products. For example, 90% of a turnip is just water, it has no fat, it only has 0.9 grams of protein, 100 grams of turnip is 28 kilocalories , just over 6 grams of carbohydrates, there is no cholesterol and they have almost 4 grams of sugar.

Apart from those nutritional values, for every 100 grams there are also important vitamins and minerals, although not many. For example, we have 21 mg of vitamin C and 25 mg of folic acid, that is vitamin B9. With regard to minerals, here there is a bit more variety because we have calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. They are very important minerals for the body and are needed on a daily basis.

It has been shown that it is not very nutritious, but that does not mean that we must add it to our daily or weekly diet to create a more varied diet rich in vegetables, vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, dairy, eggs, fresh meats, etc.

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How much turnip can you eat per day?

Those of you who follow the web know that when a food has many vitamins and minerals, or high doses of a specific vitamin, we do not recommend consuming much in one day, but this time the picture changes.

Turnips are nutritionally very weak, so experts recommend up to 3 turnips a day . We cannot get obsessed, it is simply a matter of adding it to our diet and if we do not know how, then we are going to give some ideas.

Among the ideas and recipes with turnips that we recommend is adding it sliced or grated to a salad, eating it gratin, as a filling in a vegetable lasagna, cream of turnip and zucchini, rice with chicken and turnip, foot omelette with onion and turnips , meatballs with mushrooms, roquefort and turnips, mashed potatoes with turnips, etc.

In addition, you can take advantage of everything from the turnip, from the leaves, to the stem and the tuber. What’s more, the leaves are more nutritious than the turnip itself. By being able to take advantage of everything, options and recipes increase.

Properties and benefits of eating a turnip a day

This vegetable is very refreshing and it is not the only benefit for our body, but it is full and we are going to indicate the main ones. Its properties and benefits are given by its vitamins and minerals, which is what makes our body work normally.

A deficiency of vitamins and minerals gives rise to a multitude of serious problems, beyond even the well-known anemia, which is why it is important to have a well-rounded and varied diet.

Supports the digestive system

The ally for fried foods, of course. A turnip salad while we eat fried, such as croquettes, breaded steaks, spring roll, onion rings, etc. and digestion will be as light as if we had just eaten salad.

It fights against constipation, and that’s thanks to its high water content and fiber. If we have constipation processes, we can eat a turnip soup or a salad. Only very light things, but rich in this vegetable, to let it act and have its function.

Expectorant properties

If we have colds or we have a congested chest, a turnip soup will help us a lot and that is because this vegetable has properties that manage to clear the accumulated mucus . In addition, vitamin C is essential for feverish processes and colds.

We are not saying that it is a 100% effective remedy, we are saying that in our case it could help us clear the nose in cases of mild colds. If we feel that our congestion is serious and we are short of breath, we must go quickly to the doctor to solve it as soon as possible.

Reduces the chances of getting cancer

Turnip contains glucosinates and may inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. Let’s not take it at face value, since cancer is a very serious disease, but it has been shown that having a healthy diet and a good lifestyle reduces the risk of cancer.

With regard to the turnip, it is a very good vegetable to prevent this disease, but this must be accompanied by a balanced diet, sports, leaving tobacco and alcohol out, not eating ultra-processed, etc.

Perfect for fighting fluid retention

Fluid retention is quite common in men and women, especially in women in adulthood. We will not achieve the diuretic effect in one day, but we will by eating at least one turnip every several days.

With this, the function of the kidneys is enhanced, toxins and debris are eliminated, increasing diuresis naturally. That is, the number of times we go to the bathroom to urinate. But this is also an adverse effect that we will see below, and that is that the turnip cannot be eaten by anyone.

Main contraindications of eating turnip

This vegetable also has detrimental effects on health and just a few lines ago we have given some clues. Turnip is beneficial, yes, of course, but it also has a downside and is not for everyone.

For example, its diuretic action could strain the kidneys and cause further damage in patients with kidney problems. What’s more, eating turnip can cause calcium oxalate kidney stones if this vegetable is abused.

Another contraindication of this vegetable is that it could influence the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland. This is quite serious, which is why it is not recommended that people with hypothyroidism eat turnips, especially if they are raw.