Try these 6 drinks that will help you eliminate constipation

If you feel a little behind, you should know that constipation is quite common. A January 2020 study published in Gastroenterology reports that constipation affects 15 percent of the world's population. Although knowing that you are not alone will not provide the relief you are looking for, there is one simple thing you can do to help prevent and treat constipation: drink adequate amounts of fluids.

Just staying hydrated with water and other fluids can help keep things running and prevent build-up in the first place. In fact, an April 2013 analysis published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology evaluated the diets and stool consistency of more than 9,000 adults and found that not getting enough fluids was a major factor associated with constipation, rather than fiber intake.

taza de café para evitar el estreñimiento

But what are considered "good fluids" to keep you hydrated? There is no hard and fast rule, but in general, women need around 12 glasses of water a day and men need around 16 glasses. Food provides us with about 20 percent of our fluid needs during the day, which means we must drink the rest.

The best drinks to avoid constipation


Coffee can get you going in more ways than one. Your cup of coffee in the morning can also mean a poop in the morning; coffee poops are a real thing, the saying goes.

Caffeinated coffee can increase the amount of acid your stomach produces and stimulate colon movements, which can cause a laxative effect, according to a June 2017 review in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.
But decaffeinated coffee could have a similar effect, as explained in another, older small study published in April 1990 in the journal Gut.

Chia seed water

Water is an obvious choice and should be your first solution if you're feeling constipated, but chia seed water is a double whammy that works.

Many of us are dehydrated when we wake up, so we should all start our mornings with a glass of water. You can double the poop effect by adding a teaspoon of chia seeds and then letting them soak for a few minutes. Most of us don't eat enough fiber, and chia seeds are packed with this substance.

It is the type of fiber found in chia seeds that makes them so effective. About 87 percent of the fiber found in the tiny seeds is insoluble, and we know that insoluble fiber helps relieve constipation.

ciruela para evitar estreñimiento

Plum juice

Prunes have long been an option for staying regular and that's because they are so effective. This also applies to prune juice.

Prunes or prune juice contain sorbitol, which our bodies do not digest well. This sugar attracts water to our intestines, which makes us defecate more easily. How much prune juice do you need to drink? One serving of juice equals half a cup. Start there for a few days and adjust as needed.


When done right, smoothies can be the (almost) do-it-all drink. Unlike juices, they retain the fiber from added fruits and vegetables (all fiber is removed from juices). Dietary fiber is very good for our health, especially for our digestive health.

Additionally, there are specific components found in common shake ingredients that can help keep you regular or "clean", such as fiber and digestive enzymes.


This can go either way because kefir is a dairy product and dairy can back up for some people. But kefir is also a rich source of probiotics, and early research suggests that they can help your gut move.

After receiving a daily kefir drink for four weeks, stool frequency and consistency increased and laxative use decreased compared to baseline in a small group of people living with chronic constipation, according to a clinical study by July 2019 in the Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology.


Magnesium is not a drink that you can buy off the shelves of your local supermarket, but you can add it to your drinks. Magnesium can cause looser bowel movements and / or help with constipation. Adding powdered magnesium to the water may help. Keep in mind that if you have to rely on magnesium (or anything else) to poop, that's a problem you might want to see a doctor for.

Magnesium is found in many laxatives, and it is possible to ingest too much of this mineral, as the National Institutes of Health explains. If you are considering consuming magnesium powder, consult your doctor or dietitian first.