Try our men's home workout routine

Getting in shape doesn’t require you to spend a fortune to join the gym. Perhaps, due to the current world situation, you prefer not to attend crowded places and you have chosen to exercise at home or you simply do not have time or courage. Whatever the reason, we assure you that you can do a men’s exercise routine at home and get great results. You only need the weight of your own body but, if you want to give the extra, a pair of dumbbells will be your best allies, if you don’t have them, grab a couple of bottles with water and voila. Choose your area to train and tone the body.

There is a wide variety of exercises that we can do to create the best home exercise routine for men, but we must always take into account what are the goals we want to achieve and do our best to achieve them and thus strengthen our body.


To begin with, the most important thing before doing any physical activity will always be the warm-up. We cannot start training in shape if our body is not ready because we could cause an injury , therefore, it is of great importance to perform light movements that go from head to toe like the ones mentioned below:

While we are standing, we are going to do the following movements for 10 to 15 seconds each.

  • Move your head up and down. Then turn from left to right.
  • With the arms stretched laterally at shoulder height, we are going to form circles with rotating movements towards the front and then backwards.
  • Place your arms extended in front of your chest and we will raise and lower our hands, with alternating movements.
  • With the feet slightly apart we are going to turn the torso and the waist from one side to the other.
  • We are going to form circles with our hips to the left and then to the right, keeping our feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Stretching Standing and with the legs widely separated, we are going to touch the tip of the left foot with both hands and then the tip of the right foot without flexing either of the legs. If you can’t reach the tip, try to touch the ankle or as far as possible.
  • We will also do jumping jacks , push-ups and squats .

If you have any questions about the execution of the exercises or want to do the full warm-up routine , you can watch this video.

Home workout routine for men


Burpees are the most complete exercise of all, since they serve to measure anaerobic resistance and work the muscles of the legs, arms, chest, back and abdomen . In the following video we can see the technique and appreciate that they are a combination of push-ups, vertical jumps and squats.


Push-ups are one of the basic exercises to exercise the upper part of our body. They consist of lying face down, while bending and extending our arms . There are many different types of push-ups, but the level of difficulty you choose will depend on your strength and endurance.


The plank is the ideal exercise to have very well defined abdominal muscles . We get into the position we use to do the basic push-ups, but in this exercise we are going to lean on our forearms. We must keep our backs straight preventing the hips from lowering and maintaining this position for a certain time.

Side plank

This variation will help us define the oblique muscles . To begin, we are going to lie on the floor on one side with our legs straight and leaning on the elbow. Then, we are going to raise the hips to form a straight line with the body and we will maintain the position for a certain time.

Bank funds

This exercise is very useful for developing the triceps and it is easy to do because you only need a chair or a table in the living room. First, we are going to stand with our backs to the chair and we are going to take it with our hands shoulder-width apart. Then we extend our legs forward and slowly lower ourselves, bending the elbows to form a 90 degree angle and, finally, we will return to the starting position.

Calf raise

There are many ways to train your calf muscles, but the most basic is by standing on our toes and then we are going to raise and lower our heels. We can use a step or a step to obtain a greater range of motion. This exercise can be done only with our own weight or with a pair of dumbbells that allow us to perform it completely and correctly.


Squats, in addition to helping us exercise the leg muscles, strengthen the abdomen , since during the movement we must exert muscle tension to maintain the correct position of the body. We stand with our legs spread slightly beyond the shoulders and lower our buttocks to an 80 degree angle without lifting our heels off the ground.

Dominated on the floor

When we train back, at the same time we are exercising the arms , maybe not directly or with the same intensity, but they definitely work together. For the pull-ups we will only need a towel, which we will put on the floor and we will lie on it. Then, we stretch our arms forward and with our hands we will pull our body forward and then we will push ourselves backwards.

Finally, doing a stretching routine after our physical activity is just as important as warming up prior to our training. This will help to relax the muscles and prevent muscle pain in the later hours.

So you no longer have excuses! , start training with this home exercise routine for men and get that toned body you want so much.