What is muscovado sugar and what uses does it have?

Muscovado sugar is a natural sweetener that is obtained from the direct extraction of sugar cane, which is then left to dry and evaporate in the open air until it dries, to finally be ground. The number one producer of this type of sugar is India.

It is an unrefined food, and as such, it preserves all its nutrients: vitamins (A, B1 and B2); minerals such as magnesium, iron, and potassium; carbohydrates; saccharose; antioxidants and soluble fiber easily absorbed and digested. It has a deep brown color, moist texture and caramel flavor.

Discover more details of muscovado sugar and its uses that you can give him.

Usos del azúcar mascabado

Properties of muscovado sugar?

This sweetener contains a caloric value similar to refined white sugar (about 4 calories per gram) and small amounts of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and vitamins, due to its molasses content. In addition, it contains some antioxidants, such as gallic acid, and other polyphenols, which help prevent damage to cells caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals, which cause oxidative stress.

In particular, Asmat, Abad and Ismailb (2016) carried out bibliographic investigations referring to oxidative stress and certain participation in the progression of diabetes (type 2), including the deterioration of the action of insulin and the increase in the incidence of complications such as stroke, neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy.

It should be noted that the consumption of muscovado sugar is contraindicated in people suffering from diabetes, since it is a powerful sweetener that could alter glucose levels.

Mejores sustitutos del azúcar natural

What is muscovado sugar for?

Due to the molasses present in muscovado sugar , it has a particularly strong and slightly bitter taste; with hints of caramel, vanilla and butter, very different from white sugar, and with much higher quality since the latter, being refined, loses many of its properties.

Mainly, muscovado sugar is used in recipes where some type of natural sweetener is required, and it is undoubtedly the ideal option: it can perfectly substitute refined sugar , making it a great option to healthily sweeten any type of food or drink, such as teas, fruit juices, oats, cereals, cookies and cakes.

Propiedades del azúcar mascabado


Muscovado sugar can be an interesting weapon for those who allow themselves some doses of natural sweetness in their diet, with more nutrients, antioxidants and more digestible by the body. In any case, it should be consumed in moderation, like other types of sugars.

Postre con azúcar mascabado


  • Asmat, U., Abad, K., Ismailb, K. (2016). Diabetes mellitus and oxidative stress — A concise review. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 24 (5) , 547–553.