How to cure hemorrhoids: home remedies and tips

Hemorrhoids, also known in some places as piles, are a condition in which the veins in the anus become inflamed, causing pain and itching. They can be very annoying, so learning how to cure hemorrhoids is important if they are affecting you, although they are not usually a serious pathology.

Also, it is advisable to do it as soon as possible, since, if they are not treated, your symptoms tend to get worse. Hard stools or substances like spices, alcohol, acidic runny stools, and caffeine can make them more irritated.

It is worth mentioning that aging acts as a risk factor for the development of hemorrhoids. The reason this happens is that as you age, the tissues that support the veins in the anus can weaken, which is why they tend to stretch .

Also, it is common for pregnant women to develop hemorrhoids , since the weight of the baby puts considerable pressure on the veins of the anus. Given both risk factors, it is pertinent to try to prevent the appearance of this pathology.

How to cure hemorrhoids

There is no single option when it comes to learning how to cure hemorrhoids. However, applying several of the following recommendations can help you obtain better results compared to using only one of the recommended remedies.

Creams and ointments

Creams and ointments are the most effective option for treating hemorrhoid symptoms. There are multiple topical application products on the market that are responsible for reducing inflammation and edema . In some cases, doctors also prescribe pain relievers as a supplement to creams and ointments, especially when the pain from hemorrhoids is very severe.

Curar hemorroides

It is important to note that you should not make the mistake of overusing creams and ointments, as many contain corticosteroid soaps, which can cause local dermatitis and itching if used too much . If this happens, the symptoms of hemorrhoids will get worse.

On the other hand, although creams and ointments can be used to treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids, they are not capable of curing them, only to alleviate the symptoms . Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for a long time. If used for more than a week continues, anal skin atrophy could occur

Avoid constipation

People with constipation have to exert extra effort when passing bowel movements, which increases the pain caused by hemorrhoids . So avoiding constipation can help prevent symptoms from getting worse.


The best way to achieve this is through a high fiber diet and adequate fluid intake. In addition, when the diet contains a lot of fiber, the volume of the stool also tends to increase, which will cause it to spend less time in the intestinal tract and less pain when going to the bathroom.

Use laxatives in moderation

This recommendation should be given by a doctor, so it is advisable to avoid self-medication. Moderate use of laxatives can help reduce hemorrhoid pain. However, if overused, they can lead to diarrhea and abdominal pain , which can make hemorrhoid pain worse.

Sitz baths with warm soapy water

Sitz baths with warm water and soap consist of immersing the anal area in warm water three times a day for ten to fifteen minutes . This can help reduce inflammation and pain.

Clean the affected area with wet wipes or a sponge

Cleaning the anus with a sponge or wet wipes can help reduce hemorrhoid symptoms. This is because a key aspect of how to cure hemorrhoids is maintaining proper hygiene . Ideally, use neutral soap for cleaning and do not do it more than twice a day.

Get frequent physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle is associated with a worsening of hemorrhoid symptoms. People who do jobs that require them to sit for a long time are the most affected. If you have one of these jobs, it is recommended to get up from your seat for short periods.

Síntomas de hemorroides

On the other hand, not all exercises are recommended . Activities like riding a horse or riding a bicycle are not recommended, as they require sitting.

Avoid long bowel movements

There is no problem in going to the bathroom every time it is necessary, but it is advisable not to last longer with bowel movements than is necessary. If a great and long effort is made to empty the intestines, hemorrhoids may get worse.

Decrease the consumption of acidic foods

There are some foods that, if consumed in excess, can increase the irritation of hemorrhoids. These include spices, chocolate, alcohol, hot spices, salt, and acids.

Don’t scratch hemorrhoids

To help heal hemorrhoids, it is necessary to avoid scratching or rubbing them, even when they are very itchy .

Apply ice

Applying ice is one of the most effective ways to reduce inflammation in different areas of the body. If ice is applied to the hemorrhoids, the inflammation may decrease.

Tips to prevent hemorrhoids

The above-mentioned recommendations are related to how to cure hemorrhoids. However, many times it is best to focus on preventing its appearance . The following recommendations can make you stop having hemorrhoid problems:

  • Increase the consumption of fiber in the diet to promote the intestinal rhythm .
  • Do not consume too much meat.
  • Drink plenty of fluids daily. About two liters a day is recommended .
  • Try to maintain a stable defecation rhythm and, if possible, not delay defecation when the need arises.
  • Take precautions when traveling, because they can alter the habitual defecation rhythm and modify the diet.
  • Exercise for a few minutes a day .
  • Do not use the mobile in the bathroom, as it can cause you to spend more time than usual in it without any kind of justification.
  • If there is a need to sit for long periods of time, try to get up whenever possible .
  • If a pregnancy occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor to obtain prevention recommendations, since when the time of delivery approaches, the risk of suffering from a hemorrhoid pathology increases .

Causes of hemorrhoids

Beyond how to cure hemorrhoids and how to prevent them, it is important to know what their causes are. In this regard, it must be said that they occur when the veins in the skin of the anus are stretched due to some kind of pressure, which causes them to swell and in some cases protrude . The reasons that can lead to increased pressure in this area are as follows:

  • Sitting on the toilet for a long time.
  • Exerting excessive effort to defecate .
  • Having chronic constipation or diarrhea.
  • Have obesity problems .
  • Be pregnant.
  • Eat a very low fiber diet.
  • Perform anal sexual practices.
  • Frequently lifting heavy objects.


  • Valera, JG (2020, September 21). 8 tips to avoid hemorrhoids. Take carePlus.ídos-174862.html
  • CuídatePlus, R. (2018, August 17). Ten remedies to reduce the discomfort of hemorrhoids. Take carePlus.ónicos-112779.html