Tips to remove excess water from your body and show off abs

Having a muscular and defined body requires a lot of work, perseverance and effort. Not only do gym hours count, but our diet and habits are also highly influenced. It is convenient to know that the results will be different depending on the objectives we have and that it is necessary to adjust our training and diet. Eliminating excess water from your body will help you achieve the expected results in the definition phase , especially in the abdominal area.

It must be taken into account that, before starting to lower the excess water, it is good that our body is sufficiently muscular and that we have a low fat percentage, thus we will obtain the expected results. In addition, it is important to be patient and know that the results will come sooner or later. On this path the most important thing is perseverance .

To get rid of excess water from your body and be able to show off the abs that you want so much, there are a number of things you can do. Do you know which ones they are? Don't worry: we will show you below so you can put them into practice as soon as possible.

List of tips to remove excess water from your body

Drink more water

Although a priori it seems contradictory, this has a logic. By ingesting more water we make our body excrete it to a greater extent , thus avoiding the famous fluid retention. It is important to maintain adequate intake levels, around 2 liters, and distribute the water throughout the day, sipping small sips or glasses.

In addition, drinking water has different benefits for our body. Among them, it makes the metabolism work efficiently and helps us to have a more beautiful skin tone .

Eat these foods

Some of the foods that help eliminate excess water from your body and you can include in your diet are: pineapple, onions, papaya, leeks, celery, artichokes or squash . In addition to enjoying its flavor, you help your body eliminate fluids.

We cannot forget the importance of maintaining adequate levels of fiber in our diet. Water helps to keep the kidneys and digestive system clean, and fiber does its part with the intestine and colon, helping our gut to not be swollen , resulting in a flatter stomach.

Té diurético para eliminar el exceso de agua

Drink tea to remove excess water from your body

Another thing you can do to eliminate excess water in your body is to include teas that have diuretic effects in your diet. We can find different teas with these properties and choose the one we like the most or alternate between them. Some examples of diuretic teas are:

  • Green Tea
  • Cinnamon with ginger
  • Horse tail
  • Horse chestnut

In addition, these teas have other properties that can provide different benefits to our body.

Reduce the salt

It is important to reduce your salt intake to the recommended daily dose , approximately 1.5 grams. Salt causes cells to swell with water to remove excess sodium. You can substitute this seasoning for others such as herbs or spices.

In addition, it is important to leave out fried foods, nuts that are toasted and salty snacks, as well as to incorporate foods with high levels of potassium such as bananas, avocados, spinach or tomatoes that help eliminate fluid retention.

Take natural supplements

Another option to eliminate excess water from your body is to incorporate foods that act as natural diuretics into your diet and promote the process of eliminating water. Among the best known are caffeine and dandelion.

Say goodbye to alcohol

It is important to keep in mind that it is necessary to minimize, and even eliminate, alcohol intake. These drinks overload the liver and slow down the processing of other substances such as fats. In addition, alcohol has unnecessary calories that, added to the sugary drinks with which it is mixed, harm our body.

Limón para eliminar el exceso de agua de tu cuerpo

Drink water with lemon

Adding a glass of water with lemon to our daily routine helps us eliminate abdominal fat in a healthy way. The benefit is greater if we take it on an empty stomach. This practice has other advantages such as improving intestinal transit, eliminating toxins and reducing the feeling of hunger.

Do not drink sugar to remove excess water from your body

Sugar is one of the ingredients that we must reduce and eliminate from our diet, since it has a high level of calories and does not provide hardly any nutritional value. In addition, it promotes fluid retention and increases fat in the abdominal area.

Get massages

To remove excess water from your body, you can massage different areas, such as the abdomen, for approximately 15 or 20 minutes. It is recommended that the brush have natural bristles to avoid irritation. You can also apply natural oils and massage the area. These practices help to tone the skin and drain toxins.