Tips to keep fit during pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body goes through an immense amount of changes. This makes it difficult to stay healthy and fit, but with a few simple changes you can make it a lot easier.
keep fit during pregnancy

Recommendations to keep fit during pregnancy

Find healthy ways to satisfy cravings

When you’re pregnant, your hormones do crazy things, and one of them is experiencing intense cravings, and it’s not uncommon for you to turn to sugar and processed carbohydrates.

Unfortunately, sugar and processed carbohydrates can make you gain more weight during pregnancy , retain fluids, and hamper your body’s immune system.

For this reason, we recommend looking for healthier alternatives in food during pregnancy.

Drink a lot of water

Being well hydrated is essential to your health, especially when you are responsible for growing another human being. Drinking enough water – at least two liters a day – can help you reduce your fatigue and control morning sickness. Staying hydrated will reduce cravings, minimize fluid retention, and improve your skin.

do exercise

Don’t train like you’re going to prepare for a marathon after you get pregnant. To stay in shape during pregnancy, continue with the same level of activity that you had before.

But when you’re tired and with typical pregnancy discomforts, exercising can seem like a daunting task. To stay motivated and engaged, do the exercises that you like best . Go for a walk with friends or practice yoga, for example.

cuidados durante el embarazo

Keep your muscles

Don’t assume that you have to lose your strength during pregnancy. In addition to simple cardio exercises, be sure to pay attention to muscle maintenance . Muscles help your metabolism continue to function normally. Maintaining your strength can reduce recovery time after birth .

Take fat

Fat has gotten a very bad reputation in recent years. This can be attributed to the abundance of fried foods loaded with saturated fat.

“Low-fat” and “fat-free” have become synonymous with “healthy,” although, unfortunately, these options are loaded with harmful chemicals, toxins, and sugars.

Also, our bodies need fat! The key is to make sure you are consuming healthy fats. Avocados and walnuts are two of the absolute best sources of healthy fats.

Sleep enough

While you are awake, your body is active and your energy is directed to carry out the activities of daily life. When you sleep, this energy is redirected towards repairing any damage that may have occurred.

Unfortunately, when you don’t get enough sleep, you and your baby suffer : Your body does not have enough time to recover or to give your baby the energy it needs.

Address health problems immediately

It is not uncommon to experience some unusual things when you are pregnant. For example, you may develop new allergies or heartburn symptoms.

These health problems are not only uncomfortable, but they can also pose serious health risks to you and your baby. That is why it is best to see your doctor regularly to keep fit during pregnancy.