Tips to develop and define your back muscles

When it comes to strength training, the back is one of the most overlooked parts of the body, but also one of the most important. Defining your back muscles not only helps you maintain better posture, which is lost as we age, but it also helps you perform more mundane daily activities more easily.

Goodbye back pain

One of the biggest afflictions of our increasingly sedentary daily lives is constant and annoying back pain , which often prevents us from focusing on the back as a muscle group during exercise.

Obviously, if you have constant back pain, you should consider making an appointment with a physical therapist. But beyond that, you should keep in mind that an untrained back is weak, therefore you should exercise it carefully to define its muscles .

Low back pain can absolutely be reversed with proper training , which will inevitably help both your posture and your daily comfort.

Accelerate your metabolism and gain muscle mass

The more muscles you train simultaneously, the more calories you burn , and because your back is part of the posterior chain, which contains large muscle groups, it activates your metabolism every time you engage your back muscles in your workout exercises.

ejercicios para definir los músculos de la espalda

The vast majority of back exercises, such as chin-ups and push-ups , also use your biceps and shoulders, which means that you will be working on your anterior and back muscles each time you do them.

Exercises to define the muscles of the back

Specialists recommend doing a back routine once a week along with another group of muscles such as legs or chest.

Perform each of these exercises for 10 reps with a 60-second rest , completing four sets to define your back muscles.

Dead weight

The deadlift is one of the most important exercises for defining your back muscles. Although it can be difficult to do with the correct technique , it is enormously beneficial for the muscular development of this part of the body.

Warm up your legs beforehand and keep a straight spine as you bend at the waist all the way to your feet. Try not to bend your back during exercise to avoid injury and get good results.


This is another of the best exercises you can do to define your back muscles. Pull-ups exercise various parts of the body such as the back, abs, shoulders, and biceps .

Already in the starting position and without making any movement, a great muscular effort is exerted. Both the muscles of the back and the arms are stretched , and at the same time the muscles of the hands and forearms exert pressure to maintain the position.

Seated Cable Row

The seated cable row is one of the most functional exercises to work the back and develop this muscle group.

Technicians recommend performing a wide range of motion , keeping your elbows tight while pulling and letting your arms stretch out while maintaining control of the cable when you release it.

The main muscles that the seated cable row works are the middle back, trapezius (middle and low), rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, and teres major and minor .

Single Arm Dumbbell Row

To do one-arm dumbbell row, you must tighten your core, keep your back straight, and perform a slow movement . If you feel like you need to balance your back or arm during this exercise, grab a dumbbell that weighs less and with which you feel more comfortable.

Pulley to the chest: a classic to define the muscles of the back

This is one of the exercises that should not be missing in your workouts to define the muscles of the back, a classic .

It is important that you keep in mind that it is not recommended to carry it out behind the neck . The most fluid and natural movement is up to the chest, thus avoiding the risk of injury.


We know that planks are one of the best exercises for the core, but the reality is that they work the entire body , including the back muscles. This movement helps you improve posture , prevent back pain and spinal problems.

Stretches to define the back muscles correctly

When the back is tight, it tends to hunch more, so defining the back muscles becomes more difficult. To avoid injury and strain this muscle group, do some stretches for 10 minutes after your workout. It is important to keep your body flexible by stretching your muscles after exercising them.