These will be the most populous countries in the world in 80 years

We do not know for sure what will happen to the world in 80 years. Technological and climatic changes bring a great world of possibilities and at the same time a lot of insecurity, because we do not stop evolving (or regressing) according to the perspective from which we look at it. But what we do know with complete certainty is that the social population is increasing and we will be many more in 2100. These will be the most populated countries in the world within 80 years.

Most populous countries in the world 80 years from now

According to the latest UN report, this prediction takes on more force considering that: in 1950, 2.6 billion people populated the earth; in 1987 we were 5,000 million; and, at present, the number of inhabitants worldwide reaches 7,500 million.

la población China se reducirá

The first of the world’s most populous countries 80 years from now will be India , set to become the world’s largest country by population by 2024, surpassing China, which currently has a population of 1.4 billion. And this growth is not expected to slow until around 2060, when an estimated 1.67 billion people will call India home. By the year 2100, its population will have decreased, but it will still exceed 1.5 billion.

Meanwhile, China’s population will have shrunk to around 1 billion , representing a reduction of around 400 million people compared to today. The United States , which is currently the third largest country, will see its population grow moderately, from around 326 million today to approximately 447 million in 2100. However, 80 years from now, the United States will rank fourth. rise as a result of the rapid growth of the population of Nigeria.

Rapid growth

Africa’s population is expected to increase by 195 million people , compared to 1,216 today. It is followed by the European continent with about 715 million inhabitants , which will decrease by around 90 million by the end of the century.

Many African nations will experience rapid population growth, including: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Uganda. It appears that the Democratic Republic of the Congo will increase from 84 million to 379 million , making it the fifth largest country in population . Similarly, Tanzania’s population will rise from 59 million to almost 304 million, ranking as the eighth largest, according to the UN.

África será uno de los países más poblados

Several Asian countries will also experience considerable growth. Pakistan’s population will increase from 200 million to around 352 million, while Indonesia’s will increase from 266 million to 306 million.

According to the UN, a growing number of countries have fertility rates below the level required to replace successive generations, estimated at 2.1 births per woman. Between 2010 and 2015, for example, fertility was below replacement level in 83 countries, representing 46% of the world’s population.

The impact of an aging population

The UN report clarifies that a reduction in fertility levels results in an older population. Compared to 2017, the number of people aged 60 and over is likely to triple by 2100, increasing from 962 million globally in 2017 to 3.1 billion in 2100. The UN clarifies that the aging of the population will have an effect deep into societies, underscoring the fiscal and political pressures that health care, old-age pensions and social protection systems in many countries are likely to face in the coming decades. In the poorest countries in particular, this can translate into difficulties in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which seeks to end poverty and hunger, improve health and education systems, achieve gender equality and ensure that all let us have the same possibilities.