These fruits cause bloating and you didn't know it

Fruits should be part of our diet and we always have to make variations so that we don’t always eat the same ones and thus obtain more variety of vitamins and minerals, apart from enjoying new flavors and textures. So far everything seems perfect, but there is something we do not know, and that is that there are some fruits that cause bloating in the stomach and intestines. We will explain what they are and why this happens.

Eating fruit is essential for our diet, since thanks to them we get many vitamins, minerals and fiber that our body needs to function perfectly. The problem comes when we choose the wrong fruits.

There are no forbidden fruits , but there are fruits that cause side effects, for example, that the fruit is rotten, very dirty, we are allergic, we have problems with blood glucose, abdominal bloating, etc. If we want to avoid stomach discomfort, gas, abdominal bloating and others, it will be convenient that we know the main fruits that cause it.

Blame it on the sorbitol

Fruits that ignite are bananas, apples, figs, cantaloupe, mango, pineapple, cherries, pears, and grapes . But above all, bananas, apples and grapes, and they are all fruits that are very rich in flavor and nutritionally, which is what really interests us about fruit.

We have to notice that when we eat some of these fruits, our belly will be swollen, we will have gas, flatulence, pain, an upset stomach, etc. This is mainly due to the sugars present, especially sorbitol. What happens is that all that amount of natural sugar (fructose) has not been absorbed, so the swelling is generated. And is that sorbitol and fructose compete for the same transporter GLUT5 and the poor absorption of both causes these side effects.

Un bol con frutas que causan hinchazón

Sorbitol is a sugar present in many fruits, like the ones we have indicated above, in addition, it is used as an artificial low-fat sweetener, so it is quite common to see it in many drinks and foods. It usually causes some intolerances, but sometimes they go unnoticed such as stomach bloating.

In turn, it binds with the amount of fiber in these foods, so the mixture in our stomach causes those consequences such as a bloated belly and gas. It is best to have fruit with yogurt or kefir , to benefit our digestive system.

If from a young age they tell us that we have to chew slowly, when we are eating these fruits, we will have to do it a little more slowly than normal. Let’s not forget that the digestion process begins in our mouth with salivation and chewing.

There are other possibilities

If we see that the inflammation of the stomach continues one or two days later and is usually systematic, that is, eating these fruits and noticing how our stomach swells, it is best to consult a specialist. We say this because we could have some type of food intolerance, such as fructose intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome.

It should be remembered that fructose is not only found in fruits, but we can consume it in an artificial sweetener format through drinks such as soft drinks, isotonic, energy drinks, ultra-processed foods, etc.

Fruit allergies are real and sometimes it takes us years to detect them, so we have to be aware of all the anomalies that we feel. A simple allergy test can save us many health problems in the short and long term, since allergies are the defense mechanism of our body.

Fiber or, rather, excess of it, can also cause stomach inflammation, and even cramps, gas, pain and more. Excess fiber can be a double-edged sword, as it can cause diarrhea and even prevent the body from absorbing minerals properly.