The training that in addition to giving you strength will raise your adrenaline

Leave repetitive gym workouts behind and try new activities that strengthen both your body and your mind, such as rock climbing.

The best thing about playing sports like this is that you don’t have to be an expert: you just have to have the help of some professionals and the necessary predisposition to improve your routine. In addition, this activity will help you develop muscle mass, improve your endurance and increase your social circle, while having fun exercising.

Discover in more detail rock climbing: the training that will make you gain strength and increase your adrenaline .

Entrenamiento indicado para mejorar tu fuerza y tu adrenalina

Types of indoor climbing

In most climbing walls you can find 2 types of indoor climbing : bouldering and rope climbing.

Bouldering is not supported by any rope and the walls reach a maximum of 4 meters, using a mat underneath as a precaution in case someone falls. Each bouldering climb can take 30 to 40 seconds.

In contrast, rope climbs happen at much greater heights and involve harnesses tied to a rope with a pulley. In addition, an assistant watches, adjusting the tension of the rope as the individual ascends and descends to catch the person in the event of a fall.

Of course, the difficulty of each climb depends both on the angle of the wall and on your level of experience and the speed with which you do it: the more inclined the wall is, the more the difficulty of the task will increase and the more physical effort it will be. required.

Tipos de escaladas en interiores

Benefits of indoor climbing

1. Tone every muscle in your body

You may be surprised to learn that climbing can reverse the effects of a sedentary lifestyle , which damage the muscles associated with spinal alignment and stability. In addition, other benefits included are shoulder stability and increased core and hip strength.

By strengthening your core you will be able to stabilize your upper extremities, making the task of expanding, holding the rocks and lifting your body much easier. You’ll also exercise your legs and glutes by balancing on one leg to propel yourself up and up. In this way, each muscle is in continuous movement and everyone’s help is necessary to complete the activities.

Beneficios de escalar en el rocódromo

2. Burns calories

The great thing about climbing is that you can burn anywhere from 8 to 10 calories per minute . This incredible number can increase or decrease depending on the level of difficulty of the climb.

At first, you will notice that inexperienced people get a higher aerobic workout because their muscles are not used to the type of training. Over time, you will find yourself able to perform greater challenges and experience more benefits from the sport.

3. Keep your mind engaged

When you’re tired of the same training routine day after day, climbing can take you out of your comfort zone and into new experiences.

This sport requires a lot of responsibility and attention while practicing it, so you won’t have a single second to distract yourself.

Beneficios de la escalada de rocas en interiores

4. Challenge your aerobic capacity

According to training experts, climbing is unique and unmatched, because instead of flexing your muscles to activate them, it keeps your joints stable by putting pressure on your muscles when you push yourself up.

You can find similar exercises in other workouts like yoga, where your body must stay in one position for long periods of time.

How to warm up for climbing on the climbing wall

First step

Use a foam roller to preheat your lower body, you only need to do this for 30 seconds in each position. You can position the foam roller under your hips, using your own body weight, to slide down and then back.

Then shift your position to the side and slide the roller around the outside of your hips. Continue this process all the way to your back and use your own weight to stretch your hamstrings from your glutes to your knees. Finally, do the same for the other side of your hip.

Cómo calentar para escalar en el rocódromo

Second step

Do step-ups by lifting one foot and raising your body to stand on an exercise box, then lower and repeat the steps in a controlled motion. This will work your glute and leg muscles.

Third step:

Do cardio by jumping rope or cycling on a stationary bike for about 3 to 5 minutes.

Cómo calentar antes de practicar escalada

Fourth step:

Work your shoulder strength using resistance bands in the following movements.

1. Shoulders forward and back

  1. Hold the band taut in front of your body with both hands.
  2. Raise your arms over your head and continue until they stop behind your body.
  3. Return the band to the front of your chest.
Ejercicios para calentar en el rocódromo

2. Pull Aparts

  1. Hold the band tightly in front of your body with both hands.
  2. Pull the band to the side so that it is closer to your chest.
  3. Release the band as you return to the center.

3. Spinal rotations

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees directly over your hips, while your arms extend outward in a T-shape.
  2. Bring your knees to the left and your head to the right.
  3. Return to the center and repeat the action in the opposite way.


  • Cara, S. The Strength-Training Workout That’s Also an Adrenaline Rush. For Livestrong. [Revised December 2019].