The terrible consequences of a poorly done squat

Of all the exercises to strengthen the legs, squats are the preferred ones for those who visit the gym, so much value is given to them that they seem essential to develop the muscles of the leg. This is not true, in fact it is better not to do it if you are going to squat poorly , since the consequences they have for your muscles and joints are terrible and can cause you to spend long months without being able to do any sport.

Squats are not for beginners , they require correct body control and perfect technique to avoid destroying your knees and contracting your muscles.

The knee consequences of a poorly done squat

What you may think is that a badly done squat can cause injuries at the knee level of different considerations. You are not wrong and I will remind you of the types of injuries that you can suffer in that area:

Patellar tendonitis

Patellar tendinitis appears after subjecting the tendon to repetitive movements for a long period. In the case of squats, in addition to repetitions, lowering too much causes an unnatural position in the patellar tendon.

In this position, the tendon is tightened more than it should and this can lead to a tendon injury. Also excess weight and putting the knees forward too much cause this injury and also sprains of the anterior cruciate ligament.

The way to avoid this is to go down without reaching the ground and strengthen the muscles that protect this area , especially the quadriceps.

Meniscus problems

A poorly done squat can even impinge your menisci if you rotate your knee with your foot on the ground. You may think that it is a mistake that will not happen to you, but you would be surprised to know the number of athletes who are not careful in their body position when doing this exercise.

To avoid a poorly done squat, make sure your feet are facing outward slightly, without lifting your heels and legs far enough apart so as not to put stress on the menisci or the rest of the knee.

Problems in the rest of the body of a squat poorly done

The injuries produced by a badly done squat do not end in the knee and the consequences can be felt in the back and the muscles of the legs.

Back injuries

Leaning the body excessively forward when going down causes the back and lumbar areas to endure a very great tension when it should not be the case. By modifying the natural arch of the back, this area is subjected to uneven pressure and it is not uncommon for contractures to occur or in the worst case low back pain.

sentadillas mal hechas

For the correct execution of the squat it is important to keep your back straight without leaning forward. The back muscles serve as support for the exercise but the force is made with the legs.

Muscle contractures

The repeated and intense strain on the legs with this exercise can cause muscle spasms . The muscles most involved are the quadriceps and glutes. Muscle contractures are caused by an excess load, an inadequate rest or a lack of preparation.

That is why squats are not suitable for all athletes who do not have a minimum base. Before starting to do squats badly done, try to have a good base of muscular strength that will allow you to perform them with the correct technique and without the risk of injury.