The risks of not removing makeup every night before bed

From the way some skincare experts talk about removing makeup before going to bed, it may seem that not removing paint before going to sleep is a crime. Although the reality is not so dramatic, the truth is that the risks of not removing makeup are there and you have to take them into account. The skin goes through its most important regenerative processes at night, removing dead cells in search of new ones. Makeup prevents this natural exfoliation process, and by not removing it continuously, the skin becomes increasingly dull over time. In addition, through this process the skin also regenerates collagen and elastin, responsible for providing a fresh and dynamic appearance.

So once you understand the fundamental needs of the skin and see the benefits of treating it correctly, it is difficult to ignore the damage that neglect can cause. Beauty professionals and skincare experts even consider cleansing and exfoliating more important than moisturizing , which can give you a rough idea of the extent of the problem. If you are still not convinced by this, then we will tell you what the risks of not removing make-up are so you can see reason.

4 risks of not removing makeup every night

You will get pimples

The best known of the risks of not removing makeup is the appearance of undesirable pimples. If you do not clean your face, dirt and dead cells are not removed and remain on the skin, clogging the pores and causing chronic inflammation in the form of pimples that can lead to serious acne problems. The skin needs to breathe to be able to regenerate at night, and therefore it is necessary that it be free of all impurities.

Riesgos de no desmaquillarse

Your face is very dull

If you’ve ever woken up in the morning, looked at yourself in the mirror and wished you had a brighter face, it’s probably a big part of the blame for not doing a proper cleaning. The oils and dead cells of the face remain on the pillow throughout the night, preventing the outer layer of the skin from being completely cleaned. Therefore, not only cleaning, but also regular exfoliation before bedtime, are essential for natural skin repair processes to take place . After establishing a good facial cleansing routine, your complexion will look so radiant that you won’t need as much makeup to brighten it.

You will get more wrinkles

Trapped dirt and makeup on the skin cause oxidative damage that breaks down the skin barrier and prematurely ages the face. In this regard, the Daily Mail carried out an experiment in 2013 in which a woman stopped washing her face for a whole month and simply reapplied makeup to her unwashed skin every morning, which experts say it caused an aging in the skin equivalent to 10 years.

You can develop allergies and infections

Although sleeping in makeup may not directly cause an infection, if you already have a small previous skin lesion – such as a swollen acne pimple or an open wound – it is possible that it could lead to a serious infection.

On the other hand, cosmetic products often contain irritating components such as dyes and perfumes that, when left on the skin for long periods of time, can cause inflammation, which in people with rosacea or sensitive skin can lead to the appearance of rashes and other allergic reactions.