The perfect snack for blood pressure

Having an aperitif in the afternoon is very ours, good and from other regions of the Mediterranean such as Italy, for example. But of course, there are snacks and snacks, and not all options are healthy, nor do those that are necessarily have to be bland, sad and boring. A new study gives us the key to helping our blood pressure with a key food in our healthy diet.

When we think about having a snack, we still believe that it is part of our past, that in adulthood it is no longer done, and similar things. But we are very wrong, since giving the body a boost in the middle of the afternoon will help us to get through the day and end it with better spirits and with more energy .

Many of us have a coffee in the afternoon or a single piece of fruit and that is something scarce for a brain that has to study, or work. Therefore, eating well will help us not to be biting all the time and that is where the quality ingredients come in that later affect our health and blood pressure.

If we eat sweets, ultra-processed, sugary foods, breads with refined flours and poor quality oils, that will not satisfy us and in time we will be hungry again. This is why our healthy snack cannot be without yogurt among other elements.

Fruits and plain Greek yogurt

Yogur griego natural con frutos secos

There are hundreds of healthy snack ideas, from scrambled eggs, 100% whole wheat bread, aged cheese, low-sugar whole grains, pieces of fruit, dark chocolate, etc. But according to a new study from the International Dairy Journal, unsweetened plain Greek yogurt helps us improve our blood pressure.

According to the research, those who regularly drank yogurt improved their blood pressure results, especially those with hypertension and other pathologies. Experts recommend a natural unsweetened Greek yogurt a day, and we can easily accommodate it in the snack with a bowl of fruit with seeds and nuts, for example.

We can also eat yogurt with cereals or with 100% natural honey, among many other options. But the importance of yogurt for our health is given because despite the fact that it has always been labeled as being negative for heart health, as well as other dairy products such as milk, cheese or butter.

But the latest research indicates that dairy is not the only culprit, there are many factors such as sedentary life and poor diet . That is why it is so important to have a varied and balanced diet and to practice moderate sports several times a week.

Only in this way can we reduce the occurrence of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, fatty liver, kidney and gastrointestinal problems, etc. It is not about doing strict diets that can cause us imbalances, mental problems such as eating disorders, nutritional insufficiency or fear, but it is about eating with desire and healthy and varied foods, apart from creating the habit of practicing some type of sport or walk about 10,000 steps every day.