The best tips for training with a bicycle

Training on a bicycle is not something too easy, and much less for beginners or athletes who decide to practice outdoors. Cycling requires a lot of dedication, although there are other factors that can affect your performance and progress.

Among the most important recommendations, below we include advice on the necessary equipment, nutrition, hydration and training. All of these will help you get the most out of your cycling sessions. However, it is advisable to have the help of someone experienced to support your first bicycle workouts.

Basic material for cycling training

The first thing we must take into account is the material, both of the bicycle and of accessories and textiles. Although we are experienced in cycling training, a poor choice of shoes or pants can make our sports routine bitter.

Set up the bike correctly

Trying to ride a bike that is not set up correctly is like walking two steps forward and one step back. We are all different in terms of leg, arm and torso length, so visiting a specialized bike shop is recommended.

There, a specialist will be able to advise you on how to adjust the positions of the saddle, the stem and the handlebars so that the bicycle adapts effectively to your body, it is an extremely valuable exercise. Performing a full tune-up and spending a few minutes on the bike can also help your performance and ensure maximum efficiency.

Kit suitable for cycling training

It is true that we can train with only one bicycle, but making a small investment in some elements of a specialized kit will be very useful. The minimum elements are:

  • Helmet. Modern cycling helmets are a necessity adapted to today. They are lightweight and well ventilated, and can literally save your life in an accident. A cyclist is most likely to be injured in any type of spill, so protecting your head should be your top priority.
  • Shorts . No seams and no chafing, they will not increase the enjoyment of your ride, but will avoid pain from repeated rubbing. Also, they should be a key element in your cycling wardrobe.
  • Basic tools. A set of Allen keys, a puncture repair kit, tire levers, a spare inner tube, and a pump or inflator will keep you safe on the road. All you need to know is how to change a tire and repair a puncture and voila.
  • Sunglasses Sunglasses are really useful for cyclists; They’ll keep dirt, dust, flies, and other debris out of your eyes, and if you choose a pair with interchangeable lenses, they can sharpen your vision in low-light conditions, as well as eliminate glare and reflections.

Automatic pedals

Clipless pedals, whereby you ‘lock’ the pedal by means of a cleat attached to the shoe, make a big difference in pedaling efficiency because they allow you to pull up and down. If you haven’t tried them before, start with shoes with built-in cleats, as these are easier to get used to. Then try a running shoe again to see the difference with specialized cycling shoes.

Lighten the load when cycling

For a daily commute or any bike workout, you may need to carry large loads. The easiest way to carry any type of cargo on a bike is on itself, rather than on you. Nothing will happen if you carry a small backpack to carry something extremely light, but otherwise, it would be wise to invest in some saddlebags, a handlebar basket or a backpack. There are some great bike-specific transport systems on the market that will make your journey a lot easier.

hombre montando en bicicleta

Nutrition tips for cycling training

Diet and food are an important factor to enjoy a good bicycle training. You have to be aware of the needs to perform at your best or favor a good performance without injuries or scares.

Avoid hunger

Running out of power will reduce your ability to keep going. Cycling will increase your energy needs, so try to eat small, frequent meals and snacks on the go to maintain energy levels. On the bike, carb drinks will keep you well nourished, or you could try a couple of energy bars or energy gels that are easy to eat from the saddle.

In addition, you can also review your diet and focus on these types of cycling routines. For example, if you’re cycling out in the morning, you can do a carb load at dinner to give you enough energy in the morning.

Adequate hydration

Regardless of the weather conditions, your fluid needs will increase significantly when cycling. Exhalation and sweating losses will help reduce blood volume, causing your heart to have to work much harder.

By the time you feel thirsty, you will be dehydrated, so try to drink small and frequent amounts of water or a sports energy drink throughout the tour. You can check the color of your urine to monitor hydration control between stages of your training. Having a pale color indicates that you are well hydrated, while any darker urine means that you need to drink more.

mujer entrenando con bicicleta

Try new cycling methods

Even if you are used to training on a bicycle, perhaps you can try new routines that take you out of the monotony.

Long walks

The foundation of all your cycling training should be your long run. Ideally, experts recommend doing a long workout on a weekly or biweekly basis. The long trip will increase your endurance and also make you more fuel efficient.

When we say a “long” workout or run we mean anything that lasts longer than your typical daily commute, so anything from an hour or so is recommended, depending on your fitness and goals. A long trip is also a great opportunity to explore new areas and visit new destinations.

Try cycling training intervals

To balance a long trip, try experimenting with a faster pace. The sessions can be infinitely varied, but basically what you want is to ride faster for a short period, say 10 minutes, followed by a recovery period and then a couple of repetitions of the faster effort.

Always include a good warm-up and cool-down before and after your session. In addition, you can also do single-leg sets on an exercise bike to improve performance.

Build strength on the bike

Specific strength training will improve your cycling, especially for the legs, back, and arms. Some exercises are key, but they should always be included as part of a fully balanced program. For example, leg press exercises, squats, deadlifts or lunges should not be lacking. As well as bicep curls or tricep extensions.

Additionally, dumbbell rows and side pulls are also advised to improve upper to mid back strength, while back extensions will train the lower back.