The basic care of your hands

The hands say a lot about some details of our life. Many people say they notice these before anything else when they meet someone. Taking care of them is improving our letter of introduction and, in addition, showing love and affection for our own body.

The hands carry a great load throughout each day. We use them for everything and it is not uncommon for them to suffer more than we can perceive. Sometimes we complain about having spots, dryness or a bad condition on our nails. However, we do not stop to reflect on the scarce care we provide them . To pamper them and offer them all the attention they need is to show love for ourselves. Surely, if we stop to think about each of the things that we use our hands throughout the day, we will not realize that we do not treat them as well as they deserve.


Fortunately, the first step to change is to realize what is happening. Thus, if you have just become aware that you want to keep them in optimal condition, pay attention to some tips that may help you.

Basic care of your hands

Be careful with the products you use

Many cleansers have components that are very aggressive to the skin. In this way, they can cause dryness or irritation. Try to wear gloves and avoid direct contact with certain cleaning products.

Protect them from the weather conditions

In winter seasons, protect them using gloves. On the other hand, in the hot months, take care of them against the solar rays using protective cream . In this way you will avoid burns and spots on the skin. Remember to use nourishing oils or creams frequently to keep them hydrated.

Include them in your beauty routine

Cleaning, exfoliation and hydration are part of a routine that does not exclude hands. These should not only be included, but should have their own ritual . In it, in addition to pampering your hands, pay attention to your nails. You will wear beautiful hands that will say a lot about you.

Massage them frequently

This is one of the most important tips. The hands are subjected to many efforts throughout the day and accumulate tensions , although we do not realize it. Massaging them is necessary to release them and allow them to rest. It is one of the steps whose improvement is noticeably felt and is a very effective mechanism to release stress.