The 7 muscles you forget to train the most and why you should correct it

The muscles that are seen at first glance such as the abs, biceps or quadriceps are the ones that take all the attention in training sessions because, generally, we are interested in working them to be able to show them off . But the truth is that all these muscles would be nothing without the support of the smaller stabilizers and many other muscles that we cannot see, but that are equally important for definition. For this reason, in this article we want to tell you which muscles you most forget to train so that from now on you can start doing it and get a truly perfect and balanced body.

Why is it important to train unseen muscles?

Not working the muscles that you most forget to train is a big mistake . Health experts warn: if you ignore them, in the long run you will pay the price. The cost? Injure you By overexerting yourself to increase muscle mass in large muscles, which do not work alone, we can over-strain the small ones. It is important that the exercises aimed at working these muscles are not too aggressive. Ideally, perform 2 or 3 exercises of 3 or 4 sets with a lower weight than for larger muscles.

These are the muscles you forget to train the most: rock them on your next workout!

Rotator cuff

Having delts the size of a grapefruit won’t do you much good if you suffer a tear in the rotator cuff, one of the muscles we most forget to train. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that literally form a “cuff” to stabilize the shoulder joint . If you injure it, you will restrict your range of motion, making overhead movements painful.

Erector spinae muscle

Sure you work your upper back in your training routines, but it is also very likely that you are neglecting the muscles that keep you upright. The erector spinae muscle is made up of a set of small muscles and tendons that run the length of the lower, middle, and upper back . If you do not work this group of erectors conscientiously and you have weak ones, you will have poor posture during your workouts that can lead to back pain and sports injuries.

músculos que más olvidas entrenar en los brazos

The forearm extensors

Our forearms are one of the most used (and sometimes overused) muscles in our body. Whether it’s typing repeatedly or doing intensive activities like rock climbing or weight lifting, those poor muscles experience a lot of fatigue and can develop injuries if not properly cared for. Maintaining a healthy balance in the development of the muscles of the entire forearm is crucial to avoid injury and reduce muscle and joint pain .

Gluteus medius and minimus

Few muscles receive as much attention as the gluteus maximus , and yet it could not reach its full potential without these two lesser-known helpers, which serve to stabilize the pelvis , especially when standing on one leg. They are vital to any athletic performance and crucial for walking and stair climbing. Also, when they are toned, they lift the glutes.

Tibialis anterior muscle

Have you ever suffered from shin pain? If so, pay attention: you must strengthen the tibialis anterior muscle, which is one of the muscles that you most forget to train. The tibialis anterior extends along the lower part of the leg , next to the shin bone, and plays an important role in the ability to walk and run correctly, both in ultramarathon-type long distances, as well as in sprints and more movements. explosives.


If you don’t work these muscles, forget about your goal of getting a well-defined chocolate bar, no matter how many hundreds of sit-ups you do. The obliques include the external and internal obliques, which cross diagonally from the bottom of your rib cage to the pubic area . Functionally obliques keep you stable in an upright position and are important for stability


The hamstrings cross the hip and knee joints and are made up of three main muscles: the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus, which run from the hip bones to the knees. Since these muscles cross the knee and hip joints, it should come as no surprise that they play an important role in the movement of both groups of joints . The muscles work in pairs, so the weakness of the hamstrings and hamstrings leaves the quadriceps solely responsible for stabilizing the knees and hips, causing imbalances that can make you vulnerable to various injuries, such as ligament tears, back pain, and knee pain .