The 15 best sources of unsaturated fats to improve your diet

Despite being an essential component of our diet, the belief that fats are always bad is widespread. However, when you know the best sources of unsaturated fats , the perspective tends to change.

This is because the foods richest in this type of fat are also some of the most recommended when it comes to creating a balanced diet , as we can see in this article.

If you want to improve your diet, get better results in your physical development routines, feel more energetic or even lose weight , then read on to discover the foods that can help you obtain these benefits.

The best sources of unsaturated fats

We have prepared a compilation with the 15 best sources of unsaturated fats. These are varied foods that, if you decide to add to your diet, you will not only be able to improve your health and feel more energetic , but you will also not have to worry about having a significant impact on your cholesterol levels.

On the contrary, many of these foods are high in omega-3 essential fatty acids , which, far from increasing your cholesterol levels, are responsible for reducing them.

1. Eggs

Eggs are rich in many essential components for the functioning of the body, and unsaturated fats are one of them. In fact, thanks to their high phospholipid content, they will help you regulate your cholesterol levels .

2. Oats

avena alimento con grasas saludables

When talking about the best sources of unsaturated fats, you can't help but mention oats. One of the main reasons why it is such a good appetite regulator is that it is a food rich in unsaturated fats.

Adding more oats to your diet will help you experience a greater feeling of fullness after eating , while improving the quality of your digestion, and all without having to worry about getting fat (with adequate consumption, of course).

3. Seeds

The seeds are known for being rich in healthy fats. Among the most recommended options to add to your diet are sesame seeds, ground flax, sunflower and chia . They are also high in omega-3s, which will help you regulate the levels of "bad" cholesterol in your body. However, the seeds should be used only as a small addition to any diet since, even if they are small, it is not advisable to eat them in excess.

4. Spirulina

This alga has managed to gain an important reputation in recent years as a "superfood" for all the benefits that spirulina brings to your body. This supplement is one of the best additions when preparing juices, since, in addition to unsaturated fats, it is also rich in amino acids, iron and proteins .

Espirulina en polvo

5. Saffron

If you want to improve the vitamin absorption of your body , you should consider adding saffron to your diet. It is one of the spices with the highest percentage of healthy fats.

6. Walnuts

Walnuts are one of the best snacks you can add to your diet, due to their high content of omega-3 fatty acids. This essential acid cannot be produced by the body, which is why the intake of foods that contain it is important to maintain optimal health.

7. Tofu

Half a cup of tofu is enough to provide your body with six grams of fat, with most of those grams being unsaturated fat. In addition, it is a great source of protein , so its consumption can help you build muscle mass.

8. Soybeans

Soybeans, also known as edamame, are rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber. They can even help you maintain bone health. They serve as a great addition to multiple recipes, so ideally think of them as a supplement rather than a main food.

Fuente de proteínas, uno de los principales beneficios que aporta la leche de soja

9. Olives

Olives are one of the best sources of essential acids that the body is unable to produce on its own. It is also one of the foods most recommended by nutritionists and an ideal companion for multiple Mediterranean dishes.

10. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is high in moderately saturated fat. Its consumption is especially recommended for athletes, since the body is capable of processing all its components to obtain energy .

But, as if this were not enough, it also contributes to the reduction of epileptic seizures and the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which makes it a great ally in any diet aimed at weight loss.

11. Fatty fish

Fatty fish are recommended by nutritionists around the world due to their high omega-3 content. While there are many options to choose from, the most recommended are mackerel, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, trout, and salmon .

Plato de salmón

12. Wheat germ

Wheat germ is one of the greatest sources of fiber that you can find in any food. This is the internal content of wheat grains, which, unfortunately, is often eliminated in the preparation of processed wheat-based foods .

This is the reason why it may be a better idea to substitute whole wheat bread for white bread . Its unsaturated fat content is around 1 gram for every cup of wheat germ.

To increase its consumption, you can buy it as a condiment and sprinkle it on some foods or mix it with yogurt.

13. Olive oil

We already talked about the benefits of olives, which is why olive oil could not be left out. Although it is known that some oils can be harmful under excessive consumption, there are others that, when consumed in moderation, can be very beneficial .

This is what happens in the case of olive oil, one of the best sources of unsaturated fats of the " monounsaturated " type, which help to reduce the levels of "bad cholesterol" and maintain heart health.

14. Avocado

Avocado is one of the most amazing fruits. Beyond its nutritional benefits, it is amazing how it is used as a basis for the creation of multiple cosmetic and beauty products .

Therefore, it could not be left out of this list. Each cup of avocado contains fourteen grams of monounsaturated fat. In the same way, although to a lesser extent, it also has saturated and polyunsaturated fats .

But its nutritional richness is not limited to its fats, since avocados are also rich in potassium, protein and fiber . In short, a food that should not be missing in any balanced diet.

15. Corn

Finally, we close with one of the best sources of unsaturated fats that you can use as a complement to multiple recipes. Corn is not only rich in unsaturated fats, but also in B vitamins and carbohydrates , all of which are characterized by providing benefits to your health.

In addition, it has the advantage that it is a very versatile food, since there are many different ways to prepare it, allowing you to unleash your culinary creativity .


  • Carrillo, LM, Serra, JD, Álvarez, JRM, i Alberich, RS, & Jiménez, FP (2011). Diet fats and cardiovascular health. Anales de Pediatría: Official Publication of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) , 74 (3), 192.
  • Innis, SM (1991). Essential fatty acids in growth and development. Progress in lipid research , 30 (1), 39-103.
  • Simopoulos, AP (2002). The importance of the ratio of omega-6 / omega-3 essential fatty acids. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy , 56 (8), 365-379.